Canadian companys hiring Brits?

Thanks Jimmy, I do see your point, I have come across many a Brit online complaining about pretty much everything they have done in Canada. Saying that I know many a driver in the UK who want the easy life, early finishes etc and never stop moaning even if only an hour late into the yard (mentioning no names of course).

My hope is to get on long haul and do 10-15 days on, I will be quite happy to Keep my head down and crack on, whatever it takes. I have done a lot of research and yes you only get paid when rolling, you don’t get paid waiting, but you have to take the rough with the smooth.

Whatever hardship it takes would be worth it to get PR and eventually buy a house (something that is way beyond reach in the UK now due to crazy prices). The life I could give my kids over there compared to here will drive me on.