Driver Hours feedback


Now how would you word Evil8Beezle suggestion about driving hours being re-set after a break, but not losing the remaining hours from your total driving time?

Sorry I couldn’t reply earlier but I’ve just got home :wink:

How about something like this.

Daily driving, 9 hours, can be extended to 10 hours 2 times a week. (regardless of when or how many breaks are taken, the total allowed daily driving time remains at 9 or 10 hours)

Hi I knew you’d come up with something concise and spot on :smiley:

I’ve gone for

• You do not lose the remaining driving time if you complete a 45 minute break before doing 4.5 hours driving; it just re-sets the driving you can do before needing another 45 minute break to 4.5 hours, or whatever you have left of your daily driving limit.

It’s a bit more wordy, but I think as it actually states you don’t lose the hours, it would be clearer for a new driver.