Going home during shift


To get back on topic…
Muckles, nice post >)
SO, if you take your card out, go do your thing at home, come back, what do you set the manual entry as? What is that time away from the work place counted as?

I’d say it was break as you’re not working, you’re doing your own thing, otherwise we’d have to book on when we get our packed lunch ready and pack our bag for work each night.

Ok, ta :slight_smile:

Something similar happened to me and I nearly got fired for it.
Working as a rigger on Dungeoness power station. our cabin was, literally, a metre from the gate where we clocked in. Car park other side of fence, a metre away from the gate.
No work on so I went out and fixed my car speaker. Took me 10 mins max. Came back in. Got called in to the office next day. I had no official reason to be outside the fence. Sackable offence. I squeaked through because they needed me on the job.

So, in a situation like the OP you better have permission to go home and get the stuff done, yes?