New Pass C+E - Agency Advice




Thank you for all of the great responses. I haven’t started yet, I believe they may have me booked in for this weekend. I have a question though…

For the non-driving work days in the week, must I enter them manually into the Tacho?

No - it is too fiddly - do manual entries on printout rolls - just start and finish times needed

If doing more non driving days than driving days then a diary is acceptable with start and finish times for each day

Could I get a notebook and detail all my activity in there? and they would be happy with that?

For clarity… Sunday to Thursday non-driving work detailed in the notebook and then I would use the Tacho to record Friday into Saturday driving work. I wouldn’t need to input anything but the driving work into the Tacho and the notebook would suffice as gap evidence between the alternate weeks?

You could do nothing - and if ever pulled just say nothing. I’ve been pulled by dvsa and they didn’t start asking me what I was doing when my card wasn’t in.

There is the letter of the law - and there is the reality of it. Guarantee you 99 drivers out of a hundred with another job are not writing it all down for vosa.

The chances of being pulled if driving for a legit firm are tiny. And all they will care about is actual infringements on the card and stuff related to the vehicle. Not what you were doing on days you were not driving.

And how many years experience is this advice based on? How many days have you driven and how many times have you examined by the ministry?
What are the potential fines and other consequences if you are questioned and found lacking?
And a last question.
How much effort is involved in keeping a note of hours in a diary?

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