Driving without due care and attention?

In these road works sections you will almost never find me in lane 2, i usually click the limiter on at about 73/75k’s and in most cases can travel the whole length of the works without getting near anyone else, also in the inside lane you only have to worry about others on one side of you, those lorries who go ploughing down the middle lane jammed right up the arse of some poor sod in a car (cos he’s only doing 48mph the swine :unamused: ) are invariably no more that 1/2 mile in front at the far end and when you watch their brake lights they’re constantly having to dab on the things to avoid getting closer than the cars length they think is a safe stopping distance.

Lane 2 is for when you know there’s a ■■■■■ of a slip road coming up, and a full block of cars will try and merge instantly without giving a seconds thought as to how they are going to divide and integrate into existing traffic on the carriageway. That’s about it for me!

It makes next to F all difference whether you’re going with the flow and not caring, or trying to push other vehicles.
Plus one is kinder on your blood pressure than others, along with Ovaltine or Coco! :wink:

A good thing is to learn to drive not using your brakes, if you use the gears properly combined with the vehicle’s own auxilliary brakes (exhauster, retarder, whatever), you’ll find a whole new way of easy driving opening up, try it.
Forget brakes to slow gears to go as taught in training, its ■■■■■■■■, you do not drive a lorry like a car driver or this is what happens, drive like a lorry driver using the gears and auxilliary brakes fully, read the road as far as you can see and plan your approaches so the only time you need to brake is to bring the vehicles to a final halt, that’s professional lorry driving.

Bang on! :sunglasses:
Truck driving has a far better flow about it when you leave space and anticipate what’s ahead, engage alternative braking and try to keep moving at a nice steady safe pace, letting things clear in front of you as you go. Something you won’t get if you’re up peoples arses, jabbing the brakes every 5 seconds… :unamused: Plus the load has a far gentler journey! :wink: