Louis reece pictures

Lovely photo of the old bull nosed Comet.
Ray Smyth emailed me about this (thanks Ray) and thought I might have recognised the gent in the cab but I think this was taken before Reece’s opened up their operation in Horsmonden.
When Reece’s moved to Horsmonden during the early 60’s they brought down a lovely fleet of both the bull nosed and flat fronted Comets.
What a wonderful hum as they were idling.
My dad John Freeman, had a beautiful flat nosed Comet TXV 105.
I remember also TLN 104 and TLN 105.
The names for those two, Dennis Tickner and Joe Jupp from London ring a bell.
I think Ted Stanley also had another flat nosed Comet.
John Spicer (Cheyenne) and his brother drove the bull nosed models.
I was about 10 at the time (70 now) and dad took me all over the country in his pride of the fleet.
Happy Days!!
I think there must be more of these great photos around…