Scrapbook Memories (Part 1)

Nice pics Marcus :smiley:

I always love the old Febry’s photo’s. That '86 with the fold-flat trailer is a cracking shot. I would love to take that to work now… I used to love doing the bagged farm deliveries, then when empty put the sides up and load with wheat for whichever dock was in favour, tip, drop the sides and reload from BOCM Avonmouth with more farm deliveries… Happy days :smiley:

Can someone enlighten me about the Hallett Silbermann F86 outfit please?
I know there were peculiarities about the placing of the TIR plates. Something to do with the load being protected, not the lorry? Why has the outfit got TIR’s on the bumper, body immediately behind the cab and the trailer? It just seems a little odd to me… :neutral_face: