TRUCKIN IN THE 80's (International)

Spardo I too did traction for Skillbeech and delivered lots of loads to Savona for onward shipping to Gaddafi who was building a new town, allsorts went including the lamp posts IIRC there was a hump back bridge to the entrance and we used to park on it, the good thing was they did inward custom clearance twice a day which was handy then on to Bergamo for washing machines out of Philco. We used to eat in a pizza place with in walking distance if there overnight and you could have a house jumbo one which came with a free carafe of wine but it was a good man to finish one of them off, cheers Buzzer.

We used to park at a lorry park which was right next to the beach, excellent for the swimming when weekended in the summer, and right opposite that was Umberto’s, a top class restaurant where he used to shove 3 tables together to accommodate us all. Once when he was closed he telephoned his mate not far away and we all fitted in there instead. I ordered a pizza which I thought was the main meal but it was so large I couldn’t eat it all. I was flabbergasted when the waiter arrived with another course. :open_mouth: :laughing:

There were always at least half a dozen of us, I think Mickey was contracted for a multi-truck shipment each time for the Colonel. One night, after feasting well we were on the beach at midnight and my wife, who always travelled (and sometimes drove) with me, stripped to bra and pants and waded into the sea. Unfortunately there was a steep shelf about 10 feet in and it got very deep. Tony Buckle said to me ‘I think she’s in trouble’, because she kept coming up and waving frantically. ‘Nah’ I said, ‘she’s enjoying herself’. Tony waded in and brought a coughing and spluttering nearly ex-wife out of the breakers. We were both 40 then, it was her birthday, and Tony looked at her approvingly and said ‘the body of a 16 year old’…then, seeing her little face brighten up considerably, added…‘with a 1,000 year old head’ :laughing: :laughing:

She stopped smiling. :laughing: