Saviem's fan club (Part 1)



Who knows more about this then?

Hi Patrick,

It was on the news this morning Donald Trump wants the statue back :unamused:


Surely the statue has got a immigrant status now, don’t reckon it’s going to be that easy for the statue to pass that border… :wink:

Let him have it, provided that he gives the Statue of Liberty back to Egypt. That statue (of liberty) was fashioned by the French as the Light of Asia statue that should have stood at the head of the Suez Canal in Port Said. The Egyptians ran out of money to pay for the statue because the Brits were running a protection racket on Egyptian cotton and sending it all cheap to the dark satanic mills in the north of England - well, that’s what I read, anyway. So the French sold it to the bloody Yanks instead. Dammit, you couldn’t make this stuff up! Clearly, Trumpety-trump hasn’t the monopoly of bizarre politics! Robert :laughing: