Eu referendum whats your vote

I’ve heard it all now ! and I certainly don’t believe it for one moment ! JW is trying to have us believe he is not a Daily Mail reader Oh! really ! and pigs might" ! He’ll have us believing that he buys the SUN or the Daily Star! Anyway enough of the Hands Andersens ! I always bought the Daily Express for years when I was up and down the road, never the Mail but in later years the Express went right off so I migrated to the Mail and stuck with it ever since, great paper IMHO, but I stopped buying the Mail on Sunday because it started supporting the Remainers argument before and since the referendum ! The Mail is the only sensible paper available nowadays, but as and when I want to find out what is occurring in White vanman world I buy The Sun ! Cheers Bewick.

Well said Dennis,
On a more “earthy” level re the Sunday paper, it is to dear for all the rubbish they pack into the plastic bags inside. save the world people take note. Harvey