Oldest member on this forum.Also wit and wisdom!


Lawrence Dunbar:


Norman Ingram:
I tell my son, he will never live as long as our generation, for he is too fat and drinks too much. He said I can ride a bike up a hill, you get off and walk. Son it just proves my point that I am smarter and fitter than you. If you ever reach 79 I would love to see what condition you are in. At your age I could unload 20,000 bricks drive home and dig the garden the garden, not like you when you have done your 35 hour every night you give the setee a few zzzz

I’m just a young sprog compared to you Norman, :imp: (69 yesterday) but l can show the young-uns in our old codgers bike group a clean pair of heels most days. I’ve ridden 50 miles since Sunday, tomorrow evening I will be leading a group on a 25 mile ride to Wylam and back to Gateshead Stadium. I also do occasional days driving for a mate of mine, with a 10 mile round trip on the bike included. Retirement? It’s magic!! IF… you don’t let the work interfere with life. Regards Kev

Happy birthday Kev, 69 I bet that’s your fave number :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: , I will drink to your very good health, & Keep up the good work Riding :wink: :wink: :wink: Regards Larry.

On the grounds that l might incriminate myself I’m saying nowt about the numbers Larry :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . Thanks for the good wishes. Regards Kev

Birthday greetings Kev you enjoy your day mate and with all the cycling and doing
the odd shift you’re certainly not letting the grass grow below your feet, cheers.
thanks harry, long retired