Weekly rest quick query URGENT!

Going out to work at 1650 and not beign used to the weekly rest regs with doing Sunday’s can someone in the know quickly clarify please.

Okay, haven’t exceeded 90 driving hrs in the past fortnight and in fact have been nowhere near them as far as driving is concerned. Also within my spread over hours too.

This is 2nd week with company and worked Monday-Friday mid afternoon of first week and then had at least 45hrs off and re-commenced work last Sunday at 1600. Worked all last week up until 2000 on Friday. Have had another 45 off continuously and am starting at 1700 today. I’m assuming I’m still legal here ?

If I stay within driving hours and spread-over hours can I work 6 days every week as long as I get a 45 in every weekend or am I missing something here ? Also, if I take a reduced weekly rest less than 45hrs (which then becomes a 36) do I have to compensate for that reduced rest or even both reduced rests if I do two weekends at 36 off in the 3rd week by having to have 63hrs off ■■ Something wrong here. Someone please correct me and clarify quick !! CHEERS :laughing:

Need answer before 1650 PLEASE !


For a quick answer, I believe that you can compensate by extending your daily rest. i.e. If you have a 12 hour daily rest then 1 hour (or 3 hours) of that will go towards compensating for your reduced weekly rest.

Rob m8 :
Min w/e break =45hrs
reduced to 36 at base HAS to be made up by the end of the 3rd week en block ie added to a 45 hr rest = 54 minimum (2 reduced rests) = 63 total :laughing:

however if you reduce your w/e break to 40 hrs you can make this back up over the week by adding to daily rest, ie 5 hrs, 4 hrs,3hrs, 2 hrs, 1 hr etc to be added to a daily 11 hrs rest

Just called home with the wagon to put my gear in.

It’s rare we get any free time through the week to make up the rest as it’s usually all 9’s and 11’s.

I still don’t think the question’s been answered though, although I appreciate the replies.

I’ve always been told and understood that you can only work 2 weeks of 6 days then you need a week of 5 days to compensate but why is this ?

If I worked every week Sunday 1700 - Friday 2000 for example then where is the problem here ? I fail to see it. Someone please tell me why on my 3rd week I can’t work the Friday.

I should get back through the week briefly at some point so I’ll check out any replies then.


You could work 6 days a week every week if you wanted to, so long as you get all your rest in and dont go over your driving limits.
I think the reason it was said that you can only work 2 weekends out of 3 was that it was the simplest way for people to understand that you had to make up all your reduced rest by the end of the third week.
Hope this helps.


because you must pay back any uncomensated for restperiods by the end of the week3
so if you do 36 weekly and all 9s in week 1
week 2 36 all 9s
week 3 all 9s at the end of week 3 in the above you have not repaid any rest back so you need 99 hgours off before you start work again
in the above no rest has been comensated for at all
and just a guide

however if you reduce your w/e break to 40 hrs you can make this back up over the week by adding to daily rest, ie 5 hrs, 4 hrs,3hrs, 2 hrs, 1 hr etc to be added to a daily 11 hrs rest

Each reduction must be made up by an equal period of rest attached to a weekly or daily rest period and taken in one continuous period before the end of the third week following the week in question.

Any rest taken as compensation for the reduction of the daily and/or weekly rest periods must be attached to another rest of at least eight hours, and shall be granted, at the request of the person concerned, at the vehicle’s parking place or the driver’s base.

You say that you finish at 20:00 hrs Friday then start at 17:00 Sunday, to my reckoning this adds up to 45 hrs, therefore the full weekly rest has been taken and you can legally commence the next 6 shifts maximum, providing your repaying the daily rest for any reduced 9hr daily rest periods your perfectly legal.

A Week begins immediately after you have commenced a weekly rest, you could for example, take a weekly rest of 45 hrs or more over Sat & Sun, work monday & tuesday then take a further 45 hrs or more rest, then you begin a new week when you commence work.

00:00 Monday to 00:00 Sunday is only used to define a week, therefore driving say starting work saturday and reducing to a 9 hr reduction and then again on the sunday, would allow you to use mon - wed as 9hr reductions as long as you dont exceed the weekly limit on a defined week.

Rob K
It seems like you are having your full rest anyway but as you are at home the truck is not at its home base so you can reduce that still further to 24 hrs. Of course if you do this too often you will find yourself needing to make rest up midweek after a couple of occurences. I would stay as you are and take a 45 every weekend until you need to reduce rest to get home. working 6 shifts each week is ok. As you are not using your 90hrs in a fortnight you should be ok

wheelnut, you cant take a 24hr weekly rest at home, it has to be away from base.


err rob m8 read my post again carefully any reduction in the weekend break MUST be made up by the end of the 3rd week

Davey Driver Wrote:

Each reduction must be made up by an equal period of rest attached to a weekly or daily rest period and taken in one continuous period before the end of the third week following the week in question.

Err read my post again If you reduce your weekly rest to 40hrs, then you are entitled to add the rest back rest periods min 11 hr.

So for example if I had a 40 hour break this w/e then have 12 hr breaks all week I have compensated my rest. :laughing:

If however I reduce it to 36 at base then 36 the following I MUST PAY BACK BY THE END OF THE 3RD WEEK EN BLOC :wink:

The trucks base is where it is operated from, not the drivers home. If it is parked in the depot where the license is held then it is 45 reducing to 36. or if away from base you can have 24,

In this case the trucks base is not the drivers home!

wheelnut, i agree, but being away from base is not the same as being at home.


Davey Driver Wrote:

Each reduction must be made up by an equal period of rest attached to a weekly or daily rest period and taken in one continuous period before the end of the third week following the week in question.

Err read my post again If you reduce your weekly rest to 40hrs, then you are entitled to add the rest back rest periods min 11 hr.

So for example if I had a 40 hour break this w/e then have 12 hr breaks all week I have compensated my rest. :laughing:

If however I reduce it to 36 at base then 36 the following I MUST PAY BACK BY THE END OF THE 3RD WEEK EN BLOC :wink:

I thought that a reduced weekly rest had to be compensated en-bloc. So adding an hour to each daily rest wouldn’t be allowed. You have to add the hours onto either a daily or a weekly rest in one lump. However although a weekly rest which is reduced by only a few hours is effectivly the same as a 36hr rest, you only have to compensate for the actual number of the hours it is reduced by. Simple and clear eh :confused: :confused: :laughing: .

you know what this has done to me don’t you… totally confused the hell out of me!!!

I was under the impression that if you reduced your weekly break it had to be made up by the end of the third week, in full not an hour hear and hour there… (maybe i’m wrong) can reduced the weekly rest to 36 if at home and 24 if away from base… as i’m only a part timer i’ve never yet had cause to use it… BUT, saying that was chatting to another driver a couple of weeks ago with one of those hours guard thingys, evidently does it all for yer, beeps and yells the lot…

:smiley: :unamused: :smiley:

Davey Driver Wrote:

Each reduction must be made up by an equal period of rest attached to a weekly or daily rest period and taken in one continuous period before the end of the third week following the week in question.

Err read my post again If you reduce your weekly rest to 40hrs, then you are entitled to add the rest back rest periods min 11 hr.

So for example if I had a 40 hour break this w/e then have 12 hr breaks all week I have compensated my rest. :laughing:

If however I reduce it to 36 at base then 36 the following I MUST PAY BACK BY THE END OF THE 3RD WEEK EN BLOC :wink:

Each reduction must be made up by an equal period of rest attached to a weekly or daily rest period and taken in one continuous period before the end of the third week following the week in question.

Read my post again, it’s from the official Drivers Hours Legislation :wink: :wink: :wink:

So in effect, if you reduce your weekly rest to 40 hrs, it cannot be repaid at 1hr per day, it needs to be repaid in 1 x 5 hr rest period attached to a minimum 8hr rest period or another weekly rest period :laughing:

you know what this has done to me don’t you… totally confused the hell out of me!!!

I was under the impression that if you reduced your weekly break it had to be made up by the end of the third week, in full not an hour hear and hour there… (maybe i’m wrong) can reduced the weekly rest to 36 if at home and 24 if away from base… as i’m only a part timer i’ve never yet had cause to use it… BUT, saying that was chatting to another driver a couple of weeks ago with one of those hours guard thingys, evidently does it all for yer, beeps and yells the lot…

:smiley: :unamused: :smiley:

Your Quite right mate, it MUST be repaid En Bloc I know I designed the Hour Guard Thingy :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Arh well Davey, i ordered one the other night but didn’t put trucknet on for me discount (didn’t actually realise until afterwards)

((told ya i’m blonde)) Couldn’t whistles… and add that in for me could ya■■? smiles… want any info call me 07957-160262 (no dodgy calls please)



Davey Driver , sorry ur wrong I work for a large national Company They said the same as you & 3 of us PROVED them wrong, I really dont give a toss but I was just trying to help the original post :laughing: