Working Time Directive



When this industry actually gets some balls, looks after it’s employees, where the 48 hour week (or some sort of sensible compromise between that and the ridiculous 70+) becomes an actual reality with wages adjusted to it, instead of a complete cluster [zb] of cop outs (courtesy of [zb] poa and the like :unamused: )
Then (and only then) will I take a valuable hour out of my life to actually learn all about the intracies of this ■■■■■■■■ as some of you apparentlly have. :neutral_face:
So until then I’ll only make sure I have a 15 min in 6 only to cover my arse.

I won’t hold my breath btw because of the idiots we have, who gladly and willinglly go all out to max out on single time, relatively working a week and a half in a week, and boasting they are on ‘‘good money’’ for it…so it won’t happen.

It’s in my interests to drive upto 4 and half hours before taking a 45 because this can mean not needing another break later on in the day, therefore it shortens my working day and i’m not hourly paid.

My response earlier why it was crazy to drive upto 4 and half hours was i felt that poster was stating he was unable to physically drive for so long but i may have misinterpreted his comment

Ok mate I get that…but why are you quoting my post? :neutral_face:

I thought your last paragraph was in reference to the 4 hours 30 mins driving before a break.
Soz i read it wrong, i had just woken up is my excuse :laughing: