

It works in the USA because they have always driven that way and their roads are far less congested.

I suggest…

You take a look at traffic in and around Dallas/LA/Chicago/Miami/Las Vegas/Salt Lake City during the rush hour…all six lanes full of traffiic. Traffic that passes in any lane at varying speeds and has done so for decades. Your argument just doesn’t add up.

I’m sure there are better suggestions for really busy highways in the states and if someone from over the pond wanted to illustrate them here, feel free.

I have driven in the States on many occasions.I can assure you it will never happen here 100% because of the reasons mentioned previously.
Please tell me who you think would benefit from that system over here.Your answer may explain why it won’t ever happen here.
Also explain the difference on entering and leaving a motorway here compared to the USA because there is a big one! :unamused: