IDP to drive in the EU after Brexit


Let’s get this right you’re standing for Federal government in which we effectively have to submit to at best a foreign mandate outside our borders to at worse the directive of an unelected politburo.While also arguing that a democratic decision should be reversed.Not just that you don’t agree with what’s been decided.Then you’ve got the nerve to say that it’s us who are undemocratic.Having said that yes I do agree that Federalism v Nationalism isn’t a division that can be decided by referendum.In which case let’s ditch both the 1975 and 2016 referendum decisions and restore our non EU member state status quo of 1972.

OK, then lets try to get this right. I would have preferred it if we had decided to stay in the EU, which YOU describe as a Federation, although that is NOT a universally held opinion of its form. That doesn`t mean that I am massive fan of every aspect of it.
In the world I live in I rarely have a Black/White opinion on matters. Unfortunately we have to make binary choices at the ballot box.

How is a government system,that relies on a commissioner politburo and a majority vote among the group of states and the resulting decisions of which then apply throughout the whole group without right of opt out of any, supposedly not the definition of a Federation/Union of states ruled by Federal government. :confused: