New Self-Driving Truck Concept from Volvo



The complete riddance of drivers may well be a pipe dream at the moment, but what isn’t a pipe dream is technology slowly dumbing down the job more & more, thus making it harder for drivers to justify a decent wage. Once technology gets its hands on reversing & manoeuvring, we are stuffed.

The simple answer is stop trying to pretend your only entitled to a decent living wage if you’re doing something special, and instead argue for a decent wage simply based on the fact that you’re a citizen doing a useful and necessary job.

Toilet cleaners can argue that they do a useful & necessary job, they should certainly be entitled to a “decent living wage” but I think our wage expectations are a bit higher than that.

Why is it you think you’re entitled to more for being at the wheel than someone who slaves scrubbing ■■■■■■ toilet bowls all day?

The more dumbed down the job becomes, the less employers need to value us & less the wage premium you can demand over societies most unskilled & menial jobs. Hell, on the hourly rate stakes we already have jobs with the NMW hot on their heels.

Surely then, the answer is to ensure that the most “unskilled” (which often means the skills and the discipline that are widely taught and trained by the state through schooling, it does not simply mean a human brought up in the forest would be suited to it) jobs are paid at a decent rate.

The reality is, when workers pretend that their jobs are the hardest and most important and deserve extraordinary wages, all workers end up on crap wages (or you end up with luddites trying to cling on to backward and unproductive methods because they have inherent barriers to entry, when the real answer is to fight for a fair and proper share of the new productive methods).

Then if the boss decides to simplify the job and reduce the number of hours required? Hey hey, that’s great, I collect the same salary as before with a fraction of the effort and time!