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I voted to leave,wish I voted remain now,sick to the back teeth of hearing about it,i don’t think anything will be achieved by us leaving[if we do]just wish they would get it over with

If you think about it, it was always [zb] really. Farage wasn’t even a member of parliament, Boris was never really serious & you could probably count on one hand the number of government leaders who had any interest in seeing the UK leave the EU. Virtually all the clamour for Brexit in parliament has been from the back benches & fringe parties bar the odd lone voice like Michael Gove.

Brexit negotiations were always going to be put in the hands of people who don’t want it, we should have seen it coming really. They won’t pull the plug on it for fear of political suicide, so are just trying to fudge an arrangement that they think gives them the right to say they have “delivered brexit” and “delivered the will of the people”, but in reality it won’t really satisfy anybody. It’s a total mess.

Agree with that