Bad firms to tip at!

Tosco (Teesport):

Got sent there last Wednesday for a 14.00 delivery. It took them FIVE hours to handball 10,000 (non-palletised) boxes of Lena truck toys. You have to sit in the waiting room (i.e not allowed in the cab) whilst they tip you. Felt suicidal during that ordeal! :imp: :imp:

Also, they will NOT accept double stacked pallets, and seem to reject pallets/entire loads at will. I’m taking six pallets of Tosco rejects (napkins) to LV Shipping in Boro tomorrow for them to be restacked prior to delivery attempt #2. :unamused:

Oh! Whilst on the subject…

Fight breaks out at Tesco warehouse between staff and agency workers - with two men arrested - Teesside Live

I regularly go there with 52 pallets, double stacked. Maybe it’s certain products? Or special arrangements with some suppliers.