Brexit..more controversy/indecision!


Captain Caveman 76:

Brexit has become a farce.

The overwhelming problem is that the people in charge of delivering it don’t believe in it, so what hope have we got? We are just going to end up out but still on a leash, which is arguably worse that just staying in.

This, This, 1000 times this.

Farce ?
We are currently members of the biggest Free Trade Zone outside of the USA.
We have free trade will our neighbours.
We are contributors to the area and so have a lot of influence.
We are about to leave.
We are being told by some we`ll be better off.
Brian Rix would throw that script out as too improbable.

The EU leaders who speak for us never face a constituent ballot!
The commissioners who tax us never face a constituent ballot or have accounts signed off by auditers!
Those who were elected by us refused to give us a say on Mastrict or Nice Treaties and are exercising back room influence to their own benefit!

It could have been so different but the greedy, power crazed fools didn’t have the courage of their convictions did they!!