Do world cert

dp world is a state of the art fully automated dock,so the drivers have to be trained to press buttons in a set order to a high standard,
if the buttons are pressed out of sync the hole thing comes to a grinding halt,the trained driver will then wait for a fully trained van driver to come and shout at you,you will then be made to take the test again the next time you go into the dock.the test its self is multi choice,
it will ask you what color the emergence stop button is and when you should press it,or what is the speed limit when you are driving,these to 2 examples are of the harder type,if you do mess up they can ban you for 3 months .the test is timed so you have to think on your feet.that the reason i had it written on the back of my hand,you do not get any time to practise before hand,and theres nothing on the web about it so you can’t practice.just found this,you will see just how hard it is