Brown pants all round … ive-lorry/ :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

ABS top notch there…

Good modern well maintained kit and a driver not on his ■■■■■■■ phone saved that kid! He’ll never do that again!

Good job driver, kid was very lucky :wink:

I’ve had a similar thing happen although I think I was in a van or motorbike. Scares the crap out of you.

Had similar happen once when I was filtering through traffic on the motorbike. Ended up putting the bike and myself on the ground as I locked the front wheel. Avoided the women that’d stepped out though.

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He must have shot his load.

excellent reaction on the drivers part,very well done,children will never be road savvy

Wonder if it actually was the driver that saved the kids life or the vehicles auto braking system…

Wonder if it actually was the driver that saved the kids life or the vehicles auto braking system…

I doubt the system would have picked up a child. The ones on Volvo that I’ve used have picked up cars no issues but anything smaller and they struggle.

Wonder if it actually was the driver that saved the kids life or the vehicles auto braking system…

Would surprise me if the tech picked up the kids that quickly, id say more the driver.

I have collision warning system on my Scania and it ■■■■■. Screams everytime I move past parked cars which have their brake lights on.

Collision warning would not pick up on that child, it was purely down to the drivers reaction time plus Volvos extremely good ABS system


Which means that the wonderous driverless lorry, upon which the hopes of the nation are pinned, would have flattened him.

See the last few seconds of the video where the kid is running AWAY from the truck? The brakes and reaction from the driver were top notch but the kid also helped himself.


Which means that the wonderous driverless lorry, upon which the hopes of the nation are pinned, would have flattened him.

Maybe but a lesser driver would of flattered them all the same. The robots still will take over so don’t get your hopes up.

and when the load shifts, the driver gets the blame…well done that driver for being alert and had a good braking system…that kid lives for another day.

Would surprise me if the tech picked up the kids that quickly, id say more the driver.

Which is why driverless trucks are a long, long way off.

Heartstopping moment child narrowly avoids being killed by massive lorry :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Well done, the Kreis driver, phew…

Someone buy that driver a beer or two…