Fred Dibnah heritage centre closing




ask a yoof of today to wire a plug up or change a fuse or change a flat tyre and they will look at you funny and reach for a smartphone ap to get somone out to do it for them at ruinous expence

There are many people of all ages who can’t do those things, it’s not just the young and like us all they need somebody to teach them first.
There are still many youngsters in sheds and garages tinkering with cars, motorbikes or even computers and electronics. Ok when they roll out with thier pimped up machine, most of us will go “what the [zb] have you done to that” :laughing: but we need to remember the crap we thought was “cool” at their age.

yeah like me.

first big project (not including bikes)

You know I’m going to have to say it. :smiley:

What the [zb] have you done to that? :laughing:

built a challenge truck. won many a competition with it. :slight_smile: