Weekly Rest Crackdown? [Merged]

It would make sense I guess for this crackdown to close the gap between UK drivers who don’t get away with jack - and johnny foreigner who still can be seen parking overnight under motorway bridges with impunity.

It’s about time the playing field was leveled. :bulb:

He complained that at just £300, UK fines were considerably lower than other countries - citing France, where they were up to £26,000.

He said:”That disparity results in an indirect and unfair cost on British haulage companies operating in Europe, while providing an advantage to European companies operating in the UK.”

How many British hauliers and drivers have been fined in France or anywhere else in Europe since this interpretation of the weekly rest regulations were enforced?
How many East European companies or drivers have been fined in France or elsewhere in Europe for the same thing?
How many British truck drivers now have their full weekly rest in their cabs, while away from home?

If they want to do something useful to level the playing field, would be better to strictly enforce the cabotage regulations, including the bit about wages for posted workers coming under the laws of the country they are posted to, and push to stop the proposed changes. They could also crack down on the flagging out of trucks, which basically operate in the UK, without an official operating centre or safety inspection regime, doing just enough to abide by the cabotage regulations.

They could also push for more official parking areas, so these trucks can actually be moved to proper parking areas.


He complained that at just £300, UK fines were considerably lower than other countries - citing France, where they were up to £26,000.

He said:”That disparity results in an indirect and unfair cost on British haulage companies operating in Europe, while providing an advantage to European companies operating in the UK.”

How many British hauliers and drivers have been fined in France or anywhere else in Europe since this interpretation of the weekly rest regulations were enforced?
How many East European companies or drivers have been fined in France or elsewhere in Europe for the same thing?
How many British truck drivers now have their full weekly rest in their cabs, while away from home?

If they want to do something useful to level the playing field, would be better to strictly enforce the cabotage regulations, including the bit about wages for posted workers coming under the laws of the country they are posted to, and push to stop the proposed changes. They could also crack down on the flagging out of trucks, which basically operate in the UK, without an official operating centre or safety inspection regime, doing just enough to abide by the cabotage regulations.

They could also push for more official parking areas, so these trucks can actually be moved to proper parking areas.

There’s your problem right there. On a night trunk, trying tto find somewhere suitable for a break can be frustratingly difficult. Everywhere is full to the brim, and then some. Hence, parking under bridges.

Captain Caveman 76:


He complained that at just £300, UK fines were considerably lower than other countries - citing France, where they were up to £26,000.

He said:”That disparity results in an indirect and unfair cost on British haulage companies operating in Europe, while providing an advantage to European companies operating in the UK.”

How many British hauliers and drivers have been fined in France or anywhere else in Europe since this interpretation of the weekly rest regulations were enforced?
How many East European companies or drivers have been fined in France or elsewhere in Europe for the same thing?
How many British truck drivers now have their full weekly rest in their cabs, while away from home?

If they want to do something useful to level the playing field, would be better to strictly enforce the cabotage regulations, including the bit about wages for posted workers coming under the laws of the country they are posted to, and push to stop the proposed changes. They could also crack down on the flagging out of trucks, which basically operate in the UK, without an official operating centre or safety inspection regime, doing just enough to abide by the cabotage regulations.

They could also push for more official parking areas, so these trucks can actually be moved to proper parking areas.

There’s your problem right there. On a night trunk, trying tto find somewhere suitable for a break can be frustratingly difficult. Everywhere is full to the brim, and then some. Hence, parking under bridges.

Agreed, it doesn’t have to be Local council or government funded, but it needs some sort of planning legislation to set aside areas for HGV parking and nothing else, because any land suitable is far more valuable as retail, industrial or warehousing.

The new A14 is being built at the moment, lots of suitable areas that are being used as compounds while construction takes place, when its all built one of those whould make an excellent HGV park, but it won’t happen, because they will plong houses on them,.

At a meeting on the construction and plans for Alconbury airfield, a question was asked, “are you going to have parking spaces for HGV delivering to the premises, warehouses on this site when completed”

Answer. “No, they have facilities over at the truck stop, and we have no space”

Truck stop now closed, airfield with no space.!!!.

Wow what a hero the Right Honourable Mr Gordon Henderson MP is.
Parking on hard shoulders residential areas is one thing that needs adressed.

…AND drivers parking on industrial estates? :open_mouth: disgraceful …AND weekly resting in their designated sleeper cabs for 45 hours? who do these drivers think they are exactly??
At last an MP who cares, and is ‘‘clamping down’’ on things that are wrong in our industry eh?
And nice to see an MP sympathising with those poor hard done by UK hauliers,… this guy should be PM.

Get ■■■■ real :unamused:…he does not give a flying ■■■■ :bulb:
He’s seen an opportunity to pander to the nimbys and truck haters.
An opportunity to book and ensure his next gravy train based session in Parliament after the next election… AND the clever bit a chance to raise a bit of revenue by ten folding a bloody parking fine, he’s not only a run of the mill arse hole MP, he’s also a bloody genius.
I know there are many foreign driver haters, on here, I also know about mess left by foreigners (AND BRIT :bulb: ) drivers, …provide skips ffs.
But this banning sleeping in ■■■■ sleeper cabs on an ind est rule, is the most stupid ■■■■ thing I have heard on this cluster ■■■■ of an industry…and I’ve heard many.

Just another Winseer chip-on-the-shoulder thread where the nasty foreigners get away with anything they like with ‘impunity’ while the poor British driver, despite observing all rules and regulations and never hitting bridges or closing motorways for long periods of time, is hounded by the authorities.

I bet Winseer has a bomb shelter at the bottom of his garden.

Fines for foreign lorry drivers sleeping in cabs by roadside could rise to £3,000

It would make sense I guess for this crackdown to close the gap between UK drivers who don’t get away with jack - and johnny foreigner who still can be seen parking overnight under motorway bridges with impunity.

It’s about time the playing field was leveled. :bulb:

Ok, so your main concern about '‘Johnny Foreigner’ (ffs :unamused:) parking under Mway bridges does not come from a potential danger pov, it’s because quote;… ‘‘UK drivers don’t get away with jack’’ .
I don’t know about you mate but I’ve no desire to park under a Mway bridge, whether I’d get away with it or not, and I don’t know many UK drivers who would tbh.
Do you Winseer?
No? …So why are you bothering your arse about it exactly? :unamused:


Fines for foreign lorry drivers sleeping in cabs by roadside could rise to £3,000

It would make sense I guess for this crackdown to close the gap between UK drivers who don’t get away with jack - and johnny foreigner who still can be seen parking overnight under motorway bridges with impunity.

It’s about time the playing field was leveled. :bulb:

Ok, so your main concern about '‘Johnny Foreigner’ (ffs :unamused:) parking under Mway bridges does not come from a potential danger pov, it’s because quote;… ‘‘UK drivers don’t get away with jack’’ .
I don’t know about you mate but I’ve no desire to park under a Mway bridge, whether I’d get away with it or not, and I don’t know many UK drivers who would tbh.
Do you Winseer?
No? …So why are you bothering your arse about it exactly? :unamused:

Well then the reason the prices are so high in motorway services is because of our own doing, why because we are the only ones trying to park there the natives
We all don’t stink out the cab by cooking in it and parking in out of the way places
Another point about not sticking together
It affects every one if people park on hard shoulders no matter what for

ukhaulier.co.uk/news/road-t … ase-to-3k/
Probably the same info as others have put up!

Its not just Johnny Foreiner who is gonna cop it is it…what about brits they do long distance as well, and some have to weekend in the cab too…but i will say this: all of these regulations have been re-enforced to stop east europeans from taking up lots of parking at weekends…and to my mind its blatant discrimination, and if i was in their situation, i would certainly be making noises to my MP…as i do anyway for this country.
Its EU law, that EU countries have to provide suitable parking spaces and accommodation for HGV drivers, and all has to be in place by 2030…now thats a long way off, and bringing in these unsuitable rules far too early when there isnt not suitable places to park is disgusting.
Now with the advent of what i have just written, drivers should be asking their companies for their weekend expenses up front, as £100 a week shouldnt be borne by the drivers themselves, especially those on monthly pay, as it could add up to a great deal, nopw this all depends if drivers would have to spend a weekend away from home, here or abroad, or failing that, should be thinking about telling their bosses they will no longer spend weekends away, and should actually be planning journeys the correct way to avoid this situation…there is nothing in the regulations to stop a driver taking a reduced rest in the truck, so one week a way, and one week at home should be planned…drivers, we have to fight back, and dont let them bully you…i suppose that with the advent of us leaving the eu, things wont change much in transport, but the uk can opt out of eu rules after we leave, and so building new truck stops with accommodation wont be on the agenda…no surprise there, BUT, they have agreed to build a new truckstop with 3000 places, and possibly a customs clearance area included…so there you go…be careful out there, and stop knocking the EEs as theyre in the same boat as we are, and that aint gonna change, except an increase in their rates to cover the extra cost…

so one week a way, and one week at home should be planned…
except an increase in their rates to cover the extra cost…

I think that is the reason the French, German and Belgium Governments have pushed for the weekly rest regulations to be enforced, after pressure from their haulage industry and trades unions.

Olog Hai:
Just another Winseer chip-on-the-shoulder thread where the nasty foreigners get away with anything they like with ‘impunity’ while the poor British driver, despite observing all rules and regulations and never hitting bridges or closing motorways for long periods of time, is hounded by the authorities.

I bet Winseer has a bomb shelter at the bottom of his garden.

Totally agree. The word ‘johnny foreigner’ says it all really. What many forget is that EE’s are just trying to put a crust on the table like UK hauliers are. Dont like the way ‘foreigners’ work the Uk, then come over here and cabotage…no …didnt think so… :unamused:



Fines for foreign lorry drivers sleeping in cabs by roadside could rise to £3,000

It would make sense I guess for this crackdown to close the gap between UK drivers who don’t get away with jack - and johnny foreigner who still can be seen parking overnight under motorway bridges with impunity.

It’s about time the playing field was leveled. :bulb:

Ok, so your main concern about '‘Johnny Foreigner’ (ffs :unamused:) parking under Mway bridges does not come from a potential danger pov, it’s because quote;… ‘‘UK drivers don’t get away with jack’’ .
I don’t know about you mate but I’ve no desire to park under a Mway bridge, whether I’d get away with it or not, and I don’t know many UK drivers who would tbh.
Do you Winseer?
No? …So why are you bothering your arse about it exactly? :unamused:

Well then the reason the prices are so high in motorway services is because of our own doing, why because we are the only ones trying to park there the natives
We all don’t stink out the cab by cooking in it and parking in out of the way places
Another point about not sticking together
It affects every one if people park on hard shoulders no matter what for

I wouldn’t know mate, I don’t park in MSAs, got more imagination and initiative tbh. :neutral_face: and I don’t like eating overpriced crap for my tea.
As I’ve said before, anybody who parks for free on those overpriced ■■■■ holes and gets away with it doing those robbing bastds out of a few quid is ok by me.




Fines for foreign lorry drivers sleeping in cabs by roadside could rise to £3,000

It would make sense I guess for this crackdown to close the gap between UK drivers who don’t get away with jack - and johnny foreigner who still can be seen parking overnight under motorway bridges with impunity.

It’s about time the playing field was leveled. :bulb:

Ok, so your main concern about '‘Johnny Foreigner’ (ffs :unamused:) parking under Mway bridges does not come from a potential danger pov, it’s because quote;… ‘‘UK drivers don’t get away with jack’’ .
I don’t know about you mate but I’ve no desire to park under a Mway bridge, whether I’d get away with it or not, and I don’t know many UK drivers who would tbh.
Do you Winseer?
No? …So why are you bothering your arse about it exactly? :unamused:

Well we all know that its one of the reasons that every thing is ■■■■■■ up like i am all right jack not only you but many like you.
If you ain’t got it yet it’s about parking up for the night and as i said most of us don’t like smelling like last night’s dinner because we cooked in the cab we are not that mean
It links into every thing about trucking good parking good wages good conditions
But I’m all right jack is what some people say

Well then the reason the prices are so high in motorway services is because of our own doing, why because we are the only ones trying to park there the natives
We all don’t stink out the cab by cooking in it and parking in out of the way places
Another point about not sticking together
It affects every one if people park on hard shoulders no matter what for

I wouldn’t know mate, I don’t park in MSAs, got more imagination and initiative tbh. :neutral_face: and I don’t like eating overpriced crap for my tea.
As I’ve said before, anybody who parks for free on those overpriced [zb] holes and gets away with it doing those robbing bastds out of a few quid is ok by me.

Well we all know that its one of the reasons that every thing is [zb] up like i am all right jack not only you but many like you.
If you ain’t got it yet it’s about parking up for the night and as i said most of us don’t like smelling like last night’s dinner because we cooked in the cab we are not that mean
It links into every thing about trucking good parking good wages good conditions
But I’m all right jack is what some people say

Are you for real mate or what? :laughing:
I’ve ’ got it’ perfectly thanks :unamused: .
It’s got ■■■■ all to do with being mean :unamused: I get my parking re.imbursed.
I CHOOSE not to park on MSAs, I prefer to find more imaginative places.

So how is that an ‘I’m alright Jack’’ attitude exactly, just because I don’t park next to the likes of you and join you for a ■■■■ Burger King on your MSA night out…Good parking? Good conditions? Don’t make me ■■■■ laugh. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

As for my cab smelling, not like that at all, home cooked food heated in a microwave, or other nights sat in comfortable surroundings, maybe a carvery, with good food and a pint. :sunglasses:

So don’t blame me for things being ■■■■ ed up mate…use your imagination a bit more instead of MSAs as a first option on 8 hrs 59. :unamused:


Well we all know that its one of the reasons that every thing is [zb] up like i am all right jack not only you but many like you.
If you ain’t got it yet it’s about parking up for the night and as i said most of us don’t like smelling like last night’s dinner because we cooked in the cab we are not that mean
It links into every thing about trucking good parking good wages good conditions
But I’m all right jack is what some people say

Are you for real mate or what? :laughing:
I’ve ’ got it’ perfectly thanks :unamused: .
It’s got [zb] all to do with being mean :unamused: I get my parking re.imbursed.
I CHOOSE not to park on MSAs, I prefer to find more imaginative places.

So how is that an ‘I’m alright Jack’’ attitude exactly, just because I don’t park next to the likes of you and join you for a [zb] Burger King on your MSA night out…Good parking? Good conditions? Don’t make me [zb] laugh. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

As for my cab smelling, not like that at all, home cooked food heated in a microwave, or other nights sat in comfortable surroundings, maybe a carvery, with good food and a pint. :sunglasses:

So don’t blame me for things being [zb] ed up mate…use your imagination a bit more instead of MSAs as a first option on 8 hrs 59. :unamused:

My cab smells like a mountain fresh breeze, I cook in mine all the time and you only need to open your sunroof and side windows then use an amazing product called fabreeze. If you keep your cab clean then cooking in it really isn’t a problem.

Found this on the web that is coming in force.

The DVSA will begin issuing £300 fines to drivers who take their 45-hour rest in their cab next month, and may ask drivers to restart their rest period.

The sanctions will begin on 1 November, following an opinion by the European Court of Justice which suggested that drivers who take their weekend break in their vehicle are breaching drivers’ hours rules.

During a parliamentary debate yesterday (11 October) transport secretary Jesse Norman said it was understandable that drivers would choose to take shorter rest breaks in their cab rather than a “cheap motel”, but the industry had to “draw the line somewhere”.

However, Gordon Henderson, MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, said the law was not being properly enforced in the UK. In France, for example, drivers can be fined as much as £26,000 if they are found sleeping in their cab at the side of the road.

“That leaves British hauliers who have to operate overseas at a disadvantage,” Henderson added.
Cheers Welly

Norman said the government may also look at increasing the penalties, potentially up to £3,000, for the most serious offences, such as tachograph manipulation.

The FTA supported the need for drivers to take their weekly rest break away from their vehicles, but said the lack of secure parking facilities and roadside accommodation needed to be addressed.

Malcolm Bingham, the FTA’s head of road network policy, said: “Without a consistent, widespread network of safe and secure rest stops nationwide, drivers will still opt to take rest in their cabs particularly when their fully fitted cab offers a better standard than some accessible amenities.”

Under EU law, rest facilities should be located approximately every 100km across the European road network by 2030.

Bingham said: “Until there are enough facilities of a suitable and consistent standard, FTA is asking that drivers should be allowed to spend their weekly rest break in their vehicle, as long as it has suitable sleeping facilities and there are sanitary facilities nearby.”

Or can easily avoid cab smells by cooking on the catwalk, the only problem there is the sweet smell of human ■■■■. :smiley:

Follow new rulle after november 2017 can still sleep in truck 45 +hours if this lay by not danger .From 1 November 2017, DVSA will start to fine drivers up to £300 if they spend their full weekly rest break in their vehicle in places where it causes a problem. For example, if a lorry driver spends their full break in the cab of their lorry in a layby.gov.uk/government/news/driv … al-drivers

Rulle not show who in UK not legally taked full 45 hours everywhere,just not legal in place where it causes a problem