Here we go, the video vigilantes will be out in force



North Yorkshire Police gains first dashcam submission prosecution - BBC News

A man has become the first driver in North Yorkshire to be prosecuted after another motorist submitted footage of them overtaking dangerously.
It follows the launch of a North Yorkshire Police operation where drivers are encouraged to shop other motorists.

TBH, any prick that drives like that deserves all the s**t they get coming there way. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I absolutely agree too. ^^^^^^

Assuming they watched the video of appalling driving first of all I cannot understand the amount of dissenters on here to the prosecution and evidence,

I frequently read posts here where guys say they reported this, that and the other to the police while drving, who’s number they have saved for frequent use I assume.

Nobody much batted an eyelid about it.

But making a video or photo has some getting very hot and bothered.

I wondered why and I can only ask if these dissenters are very afraid of being “movie stars” themselves one day as they regularly behave unacceptably in a civilised society.

So I wonder if the “grasses” and other name calling or the "I have an agreement with the police,they won’t do my job and I wont do …etc " and other meaningless cliches are just a cover up to avoid being caught themselves.

There was a similar reaction on a recent thread when a de-identified driver was photographed taking a leak against his truck in the MSA only yards from the toilet in broad daylight.

These objectors were suddenly crying foul once he was caught on camera despite whinging non stop about the stench in MSA’s.

They started quoting Data Privacy Act, laws and regulations to defend the guy. They sounded like top class Barristers all of a sudden yet this morning they didn’t know if they could leave the yard or not with a marker light not working.

We all know that the courts and police are at bursting point so we all know only serious offences will be prosecuted…I may well feature in some myself for minor deviances but I’m not worried because the CPS can barely handle the major offences.

So why the fear guys■■? Are you the Perp to be or a true citizen rights campaigner in your free time?

If any driver on here thinks that prosecution was wrong after watching the video then then I despair. I too disagree with much tittle tattle nonsense running to the police but a line was seriously crossed here and we must differentiate the two.

If as in the video many prefer to behave like animals all day with the laws of the jungle then fair enough but DO NOT ever again start another thread questioning why truck drivers and so badly paid and treated by all they meet most days.

Behaviour and respect are directly connected as far as I can figure it so I apologise for going on a bit.

No need to apologise for speaking sense.
Some peoples driving and general behaviour will end up with accidents and death. Its not just them-selfish-selves involved but innocents too.
In this case maybe there wasnt any blood nguts, or squashed kittens but, in the phrase: "that driver is an accident waiting to happen". Better to report, "dobbem in", any phrase you wan,t rather than let them carry on until the bitter end.
Hypocrite ? Im not a perfect driver, Im not a perfect individual in ANY sense. If I do something stupid and dangerous then I will (and have) accept the consequences of my actions. I wont blame someone else for being a witness to my foolishness, be it with or without a phone camera/dash cam, I am over 6years old and try to take responsibility for my own choices. We arent talking 31 in a 30 zone here are we? We are talking about stupidity.
EDIT Re ■■■■■■■ in car parks:
Filming someone ■■■■■■■ in a toilet, private or public, is obviously a no-no. No argument. If someone chooses to have a ■■■■ in a PUBLIC PLACE then they deserve all the criticism they get. Its not as if the piccies showed anyones face or was a close-up or whatever. Absolutely a proportionate use of filming to raise an issue, without really being an objectionable full frontal invasion of any “privacy” the subject could possibly have felt entitled to.