Here we go, the video vigilantes will be out in force


These vigilantes really do need to get a life! If others want to break the law let them get on with it!
The police are the ones to deal with wrong doing not some do gooder tree hugging geeky nerd type road commander with a cheap chinese camera! These people need to learn to just get on with their own life NOT continually worry what others do… :imp:

If I see somebody speeding or on the phone whilst passing my child’s school then I’ll report them for it. The police might not go chasing after them but what it will do is highlight a problem and maybe help police conduct speeding/ phone checks in certain areas.
Call me whatever you want but as a parent I feel it’s my duty to do something about it.

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Well if someone is driving past a school texting on their phone then that’s fair enough, as the driver is actively putting others at risk. It is also important for dashcam footage to be legally admissable evidence - right now it helps but really unless the law backs it up, they won’t help you in 100% of cases. But you do get these anoraks on YouTube who get mildly inconvenienced by someone - instead of flicking a V sign and carrying on with life, they chant the reg number and start firing off angry letters to anyone unfortunate enough to have a police email. The latter is the sort of person a lot of people which will get ■■■■■■ off by this.