I vote


WELL SAID JIM,…as we all know it would only take approx two weeks square wheels by most of uk haulage. the problem i see is this, the guys that say oh no not me, ive got a mortgage and three kids,(so have i by the way) cannot see what a difference to there lives a two week strike would do. a small sacrifice for the better long term future is all it would take jim.

surely the doubters can see this.

prepare for a two week lay off, prepare your budget, name a date, and at least you would be finacially sorted for them two weeks, end of problem.or why not the whole of the uk driver population just put two weeks holiday in for the said date. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

short term loss for a long term future in the industry… now theres a slogan :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I agree with you terry, but in truth we all know, you would have a better chance in stepping in rocking horse ■■■, than getting the transport workforce to agree with anything.

there lies the reason we will still be harping on about this in years to come ian m8… :wink: