First week proper tramping

blue estate:

When I saw the thread title ‘Proper tramping’ I was expecting the stereotypical b/s myths of wet wipe washes, carrier bag khazis, pot noodles, lay bys, and unpaid security guard duties mentioned that you had suddenlly taken up. :laughing:

(On the other hand sadly, neither b/s OR myth for many. :unamused: )

Rob , no carrier bags , pot noddles or lay bys were harmed last week , nor was I an unpaid gorilla
Monday parked in an industrial estate in Waltham abbey by Lidl’s
Tuesday was parked at MTS in Aldridge west mids , Wednesday was parked at BS Taylor in Mansfield , Thursday was parked at a Farm hauliers yard in Borune lincs
All had toilets and showers , I had my own food and got a good nights sleep , woke up to untouched curtains and all my diesel left
I think the haulage company’s are as much to blame as they won’t pay for parking
I look at it this way £18 for parking equivalent to 3 gal of diesel or lose 80 gal to the fairy’s

New pastures

Yep, that’s the way to do it. :sunglasses: …too many idiots treating the job like an endurance excercise.
I was getting withdrawl symptoms when the pubs shut, going out for a quick pint and an evening meal, but even I’ve got used to being a cab hermit lately. :open_mouth:
Thing is it’s light evenings now,.so I’ll be getting itchy feet to be out… :smiley: