Getting closer to minimum wage

Are not all such jobs aimed at the more ignorant driver who either doesn’t know their own worth, or has somehow convinced themselves that their personal worth “isn’t much right now”… Eg. Ex-Cons looking for their first job after coming out of the wicker gate… :open_mouth:
Paul Jayda Jail.jpg

Perhaps there are still drivers in this country who don’t have much to do with the internet, and consequently will never get to read us all carping and sniping over “What a craply paid job this is everyone!” like this very thread? :unamused:

The EU continues to force smaller firms to take on huge costs to comply with their excessive regulations and other red tape. Smaller firms can only suffer further into the future whilst we continue within the EU, as we are, - with more “Bullying from Accountants” as described by Albion being the norm rather than the exception to drive wages down first, to NMW - and then at a later stage - if the Anti-Tory factions are to be believed - Get rid of even the NMW outright, to facilitate truly 20-years-old wage levels. :angry:

The trick here, is to stop believing that leaving the EU is “gonna be bad for us”. This halfway house hasn’t been too bad to date, but the longer it goes on, the more it will eventually bite here in “No man’s land” - if we don’t get on and do it to schedule. :neutral_face: