YouGov poll and break up of the UK

I think they damned well should,what was that alcoholic psychopaths quote,oh yes-“I don’t want any suggestions on how to destroy militarily important targets around Dresden,i want suggestions as to how we can ROAST the 600,000 refugees from Breslau in Dresden”.
(W.C) …pun intended.

Great do we then counter sue them for bombing London,Coventry,Liverpool,Plymouth etc not to mention machine gunning civilians in the streets with low level strafing attacks.Followed by the V1 and V2 attacks.

On that note if I’d have been Harris I’d have loaded half of the Lancaster force with two cookies instead of just one and with both configured as parachute mines.While the other half have been loaded with just incendiaries and 45 gallon drums of petrol respectively which obviously would have burst open on landing.Concentrating all that for a few nights in a row on just Berlin and Munich would have been similar to an atom bomb and in the right places.