Driver brain stimulation

As drivers our brains are not really given a lot of stimulation. I have noticed that over the two years of my been on here that there is an element of posters who appear a cut above the rest. I would like to think that this is due to them stimulating their brain away from work, we do tend to have a lot of spare time sat around waiting for loads to be off loaded or loaded. This time could be well spent stimulating our brains rather than watching an episode of Die hard or reading a comic etc. So I propose to offer a little brain stimulation each day to bring some others up to speed. Everyone should have heard the term “tad” as in a phrase such as “just a tad more” but does anyone know not simply the meaning of the word, but rather where did it originate from? What is a tad?

Die Hard. Every word in the film title is capitalised.

(He, I like this brain exercising. I’ll start adding delibarate mistakes for you to find. :grimacing: )

Meet new friends ? lol

Meet new friends ? lol

Who ■■■■■■?

I find watching a DVD helps stimulate the brain when driving especially if it’s about the arts or history. :smiley:

bald bloke:
I find watching a DVD helps stimulate the brain when driving especially if it’s about the arts or history. :smiley:

I don’t know. When I think of stimulation and DVDs, history and the arts are not at the top of the list…

the nodding donkey:

bald bloke:
I find watching a DVD helps stimulate the brain when driving especially if it’s about the arts or history. :smiley:

I don’t know. When I think of stimulation and DVDs, history and the arts are not at the top of the list…

I’m very refined don’t you know :slight_smile:

Driver stimulation?..Where’s Dipperdave when you need him? :laughing:

Driver stimulation?..Where’s Dipperdave when you need him? :laughing:

No thanks…

Is it a Tad-pole ? just a little thing ?

I listen to radio 4 so I’m fully stimulated by the time I get home. Trouble is when I get home, 9 hours of stimulation explodes in under a minute.

Well I’m not going to google that would be no fun! A tad would seem to be some kind of measurement, obviously. I’ll take a stab at a rough measure of corn/barley?

the nodding donkey:

Meet new friends ? lol

Who ■■■■■■?

I wouldnt ‘in cab’ lol

buy quiz books,makes time go quick

The expression “a tad” dates from the time of The Wars of the Roses. Basically a Tadcaster shire horse was a very impressive but more importantly heavy animal and the Yorkists discovered that if you took ten of these beasts and hacksawed their legs off you could roll them down Windy Hill and they’d roll all the way to the Milnrow junction in the process crushing all the Lancastrians who were in crawler gear coming Eastbound to launch a surprise attack.

Is it a Tad-pole ? just a little thing ?

No it isn’t a tadpole, although you could relate to it’s size as a tad.

Well I’m not going to google that would be no fun! A tad would seem to be some kind of measurement, obviously. I’ll take a stab at a rough measure of corn/barley?

It isn’t the answer although your on the right lines in terms of dating.

This one may be a tad difficult, but at least it taxes the brain somewhat. A clue is that it dates back from the days before guns?

the maoster:
The expression “a tad” dates from the time of The Wars of the Roses. Basically a Tadcaster shire horse was a very impressive but more importantly heavy animal and the Yorkists discovered that if you took ten of these beasts and hacksawed their legs off you could roll them down Windy Hill and they’d roll all the way to the Milnrow junction in the process crushing all the Lancastrians who were in crawler gear coming Eastbound to launch a surprise attack.


As drivers our brains are not really given a lot of stimulation. I have noticed that over the two years of my been on here that there is an element of posters who appear a cut above the rest. I would like to think that this is due to them stimulating their brain away from work, we do tend to have a lot of spare time sat around waiting for loads to be off loaded or loaded. This time could be well spent stimulating our brains rather than watching an episode of Die hard or reading a comic etc. So I propose to offer a little brain stimulation each day to bring some others up to speed. Everyone should have heard the term “tad” as in a phrase such as “just a tad more” but does anyone know not simply the meaning of the word, but rather where did it originate from? What is a tad?

Come on then British vagrant, who are these ’ cut above the rest ’ you speak of?