Calais - again

Complete and utter waste of time even discussing this stuff any more, its all over bar the shouting.

The electorate had their chance to blow the tories and labour to hell and back.

Too many people decided they’d had enough of traitors and the BNP got around 1million votes in that fateful european vote and subsequent general election, which ended up putting Nick Griffin and one other BNP officer into the EU parliament, that frightened our leaders and their owners to bloody death, BNP had to go and go it did.

UKIP comes along conveniently strongly as the BNP is destroyed, even more conveniently our convenient Farage bans BNP/EDL members from joining UKIP…which when you think about it seems rather odd for a party supposed to be made up of patriots banning genuine patriots, oh well this is Britain, mad dogs and Englishman and all that jazz.
Still you couldn’t really have too many genuine patriots in UKIP, they might have outnumbered the tory trojan horse plants put there to manage its destruction when convenient.

But even with an apparent viable alternative in UKIP our electorate continues with its death wish, voting without fail once again like turkeys voting for Christmas for the two dead parties, parties who have overseen the irreversible change wrought on our country since 1997 when Lucifer Blair and his disciples deliberately opened the flood gates, and continued nay increased under the stewardship of our vanished accidental PM Dave, and our pointless useless Home Sec who is now another accidental PM.

It must have been a shocking experience for the tories when the DUP walked in, they haven’t seen a genuine Conservative at 10 Downing Street for decades.

I really can’t believe you of all people Winseer, voting for the same cabal who have been equally responsible for the coming destruction of our once fine country.

I did hold my nose when voting Tory - but UKIP have never been anywhere in my ward, and to have a Laborite win this seat - is unthinkable right now. It’s only the second time I’ve voted Conservative in my life, in any event. I’m in favour of our nation state doing it’s own thing, and paying our own way. That is, paying for stuff we’re buying and NOT paying off debts run up by someone else, or buying goods and services we don’t need to make up some kind of “Quota”. I believe in pure capitalism - and it’s the very people calling themselves Capitalists that have perverted that cause beyond all meaning.