General Election 2017

CF old mate, the day we ‘won’ the referendum i wonder how many of us deep in our hearts knew they’d find some devious way to reign it back in.
As dodgy dave minced off like the angry little girl it is, the scene in downing street a portent of yet another tory con job in the making.

They can’t help betraying our country, comes naturally to them it’s what they do, why people keep voting for traitors time after time i can’t understand, i’d rather stick needles in me eyes than give those swine my vote, maybe the electorate thinks if they vote yet again for them that this time for once in their rotten lives they will find some honour…no, they won’t, and i doubt they could spell the word let alone ever live up to its definition.

Do you think the electorate qualify for the nut house yet? isn’t repeating the same action time and again and still after all that has gone before expecting a different result :unamused: , isn’t that the very definition of lunacy?