Avoid central London - area on lockdown

I’m definitely not Islamophobic, the teachings of Islam are pretty much identical to those of the Old Testament and I don’t fear Christians, so why should I fear Muslims? I wasn’t scared of the Irish when the IRA were kicking off and ETA never stopped me from going to Spain.

I am however, troubled by the Islamic Extremists, the ones such as this last one and the ones that killed Lee Rigby, they’re nutters and were converted to Islam more than likely because they were nutters than any other reason.

It’s the same as the radicalism within our Prison system, what’s that all about? The Muslims that are inside doing the radicalising aren’t inside for singing too loud in the choir, they’re there for committing a crime, a crime which had it been committed in a country abiding by Sharia Law may well have resulted in a ■■■■ good thrashing or even beheading, yet they’re pontificating about the evils of us Infidels, how can you explain that?

My idea of stopping them from entering eternal paradise by use of th pig was a little flippant, I don’t claim otherwise, but it would have the desired effect. Of course it would be a contravention of their human rights, but didn’t that copper and those other people murdered in the name of Jihad have the right to go home to their families that night? Didn’t they have the right to live a full life?

It needs to be stopped and harsh measures are necessary to do it. How do you stop it? Simple, expel the hate preachers from the country or lock them up in solitary confinement if they’re British subjects, if they’re calling for people to get all jihadist and go around killing innocents then that is conspiracy to commit murder and that’s a serious crime.

Inside the prisons where a lot of radicalising is done, maybe segregate the inmates so that conversion is impossible behind bars, it’s a sticky area as the freedom to express your religion is important, but these guys are serving time for committing crimes, that does change things, they’ve lost their freedom to walk the streets etc, losing their freedom to express their religious beliefs should be something else they lose if it can prevent them from being radicalised.

Extreme measures, yes, but when ordinary people are in danger of being mown down or stabbed just for walking down the street, extreme measures need to be taken.