Win Seering - some predictions for the near future

I’m suggesting that the Van Allen Belts only reduce in intensity as the poles cross the fulcrum of the tipping point, just as a ball thrown up in the air is momentarily motionless before it falls back down again.

The apparent recent acceleration of the magnetic pole across the artic ocean - might be a warning that such a fulcrum tipping point is about to occur…

The van allen belt would be weakened and depleted, but not gone entirely. Once the pole settles into it’s new reversed mode, the van allen belts would come back again…

BUT that “fulcrum window” if you will - might be months or years where we have to stay out of direct sunlight!

Now if you told the public that “Sunlight can kill you” so soon after the greens have delightedly told us that “Green Action to date - has now allowed the Ozone hole to heal itself, proving the Green New Deal and the Paris Accord are a good idea…”

Tell such people that “No it isn’t, we in real danger from some natural climate change here, not your man-made bull!” and they’ll howl in derision - won’t they?

Sometimes “believable bulls hit” will be bought hook line and sinker by more of the world’s public than telling them the actual truth, which those with little faith might regard as a conspiracy against them even telling them that a power above humanity is putting the lives of this entire PLANET on the line!

THAT is why I suggest it was easier to get the public to buy into a China-caused Conspiracy than, if you will - God Almighty about to pour some serious derision down upon the Earth, in true Biblical Catastrophe Style. :neutral_face: You can’t tell an Atheist that this is “God’s Judgement”, but you CAN tell a Leftie, A Greenie, a Conservative, and everyone else in between that a communist state doesn’t have the good of humanity at heart. :bulb: :bulb: :bulb: