George (Funnyfut) Pitcher

Hello all I have been having traetment for the pain over the past few weeks and the side effects of the treatment plus all the different drugs I am on all I seem to do is sleep so I do not get to look at the web as much as I used to. The cancer is still being a buggar and spreading through my body via the bones, my hips were the worst and walking was virtually impossible but with this Radiotherapy aimed at the socket I am now able to get about again with my stick for short distances then it’s back to the wheelchair for anything longer. At my last meeting with the oncologist my scan’s showed the cancer was progressing up my spine and the drugs I was taking were not slowing the rate of growth down anymore. The medication has been changed but now it is only for pain control as they have run out of alternatives to slow the progress down, I was given an average of 8 months which will be around the new year so it looks like I will make my 60th birthday after all in October. My Macmillan nurses are fantastic they see me every day, making sure that all is OK and helping me with all the mundane things like cleaning etc. so I can still stay in my little place for as long as possible. David (Spardo) and his wife are coming next week to see me whilst over here before going on to see thier family and friends so I am looking forward to this. All in all I am doing well as can be I still do as much as I can for Macmillan and the Prostate Cancer charity in the way of PR in the campains they do in aid of this awful illness which still kills so many men.

Please all you men out there don’t end up like me get it checked, just like teatree it does only take a few secounds.

Drive safely