George (Funnyfut) Pitcher

I wish you all the luck ,George .Believe it or not you are brave & are an inspiration to all us old 'uns who know what its like to get old even without the health probs. These are what the brochure calls 'The Golden Years ’ but the reality for some they might be called ‘The Vinegar Years’. I got serious hospital stuff when I was your age but I was lucky & lived happily ever after .
Keep yer elbows in ,Harry.

Hi there

Long time since I’ve caught up with you as I don’t call in to the forum that much.

Just want to say that hope today’s one of the better ones, that there is some sunshine ahead for you and you can get out and enjoy it.

Next time I feel like moaning about something, I’ll come back and read your postive words and tell myself to shut up. You’re a superstar.

Good luck.

Hi Funnyfut

I hope you don’t mind me posting this small story.

I, like many others on this forum have been following your writings, and, like many others reading have thought about but not done anything practicle to get checked. I’ll do it next week, month, sometime never, its then too late, as your title line indicates.

I had a very hard lump in the perineum area and finally decided to go to the doctors after 2 months of working on the basis it will go away! Doctor said it was nothing to worry about but sent me to the hospital to confirm it was a perineum cyst and nothing more.

Hospital were very good and in the process of checking the cyst did a prostrate check as well, it took the doctor at most 5 seconds to do the check, all was in order, I was relieved there was nothing found, the cyst was caused from cycling, fairly common problem I have discovered, they told me not to cycle for awhile and change my saddle.

All well now, the cyst has gone and I’m back cycling, don’t like the new saddle, I’ll get used to it.

So why post such a small bit of information? It took 5 seconds to get checked, it didn’t hurt, I don’t feel as if my body has been invaded, I don’t feel as a lessor person. Get it checked!

The doctors finger is your friend!


Hello all I have been having traetment for the pain over the past few weeks and the side effects of the treatment plus all the different drugs I am on all I seem to do is sleep so I do not get to look at the web as much as I used to. The cancer is still being a buggar and spreading through my body via the bones, my hips were the worst and walking was virtually impossible but with this Radiotherapy aimed at the socket I am now able to get about again with my stick for short distances then it’s back to the wheelchair for anything longer. At my last meeting with the oncologist my scan’s showed the cancer was progressing up my spine and the drugs I was taking were not slowing the rate of growth down anymore. The medication has been changed but now it is only for pain control as they have run out of alternatives to slow the progress down, I was given an average of 8 months which will be around the new year so it looks like I will make my 60th birthday after all in October. My Macmillan nurses are fantastic they see me every day, making sure that all is OK and helping me with all the mundane things like cleaning etc. so I can still stay in my little place for as long as possible. David (Spardo) and his wife are coming next week to see me whilst over here before going on to see thier family and friends so I am looking forward to this. All in all I am doing well as can be I still do as much as I can for Macmillan and the Prostate Cancer charity in the way of PR in the campains they do in aid of this awful illness which still kills so many men.

Please all you men out there don’t end up like me get it checked, just like teatree it does only take a few secounds.

Drive safely

Glad to hear you are getting a visit from David, that will be fun, probably not for the ladies, if the talk turns to trucks and interesting times in them.

I am sorry to hear that the medications available are not helping to slow the disease but at least your pain is kept at bay a little more. You are an inspiration on here George.

Good to read another post from you. And great that you are helping the Macmillan Nurses to promote the cause.

Best Wishes.


Just a short note as I am having a good day and I am not yet too tired plus I hope to stay awake to watch the football later if I can manage to stay awake.

The treatment is going well at the moment, my pain control has been really good due to the efforts of Macmillan and the new drugs they managed to get for me, if you click the link it will explain more and better than I can. …

When David arrives I plan to take him to a Steam and Truck rally here in the village which I am sure he will enjoy I just hope Fran likes it as well! They can either push my wheelchair or follow me on my batmobile but I am not sure whether the ground will be hard enough for either but I am sure we will work something out. The Jonahism still works as Sean rang me yesterday and then just after saying goodbye my washing machine decided to empty itself over the floor, the hose pipe had come away from the drainage connection…

I will if I can post some pictures of David and me over this weekend.
Safe journey all

You have a brilliant weekend George, Steve would have proud to know you’re still hear and still fighting like a good 'un :smiley:


Is spardo arriving in the three wheeler ? I love the back wheel chock !

Is spardo arriving in the three wheeler ? I love the back wheel chock !

That’s a nice little vehicle and it’s very practical too. :smiley:

I like the convenient positioning of the ad-blue tank. :grimacing:

keep ganning George we’re all rooting for you,and dieseldave a blind man on a flying horse can see it’s the diesel tank, i thought a guy with a moniker like you would have spotted that.
thanks harry long retired.

keep ganning George we’re all rooting for you,and dieseldave a blind man on a flying horse can see it’s the diesel tank, i thought a guy with a moniker like you would have spotted that.
thanks harry long retired.

Hi Harry,
My comment was tongue-in-cheek, cos it’s probably petrol powered. Did you miss the emoticon? :grimacing:

I remember those vehicles in Italy, but back then they were a very smokey two-stroke <cough> <cough>

I still reckon they’re quite handy though. :wink:

I think its the anti-freeze bottle for the air brake sytem .

Naagh thats where he stores the chateau neuf du pap! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Keep your chin up george

That is the biggest tank that can be fitted legally to this model vehicle (before the “truck” becomes overloaded weight wise)

David had it fitted to make those cross border (into Spain) fill ups finacially viable :smiley:

Sorry about the washing machine George,I was gonna come down and see you sometime next week (If the trike gets fixed) but maybe you’ll be safer if I just email or post on 'ere :blush:

trust you to break his washing machine thank fully ive not heard from you for a while and all is well :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

how did you break the trike …

george get him fix the washing machine he broke it after all :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

how did you break the trike …

Clutch cable snapped, of course being as it’s me, It is a custom made cable and the firm who makes them have been shut down for 2 weeks for their summer hols (their holiday started the day after my cable snapped :unamused: ) but I’ve got it now.
I’m gonna get it recovered to a local bike mechanic who is gonna service it and fit a new clutch (I’ve had the bike since new which was '99 and it’s never had a clutch fitted) it’s only £50 for a new cluth I thought I’d fit one to be on the safe side

Fran and I met up with George and Sheila at his place on the Friday afternoon and we all hit it off right from the start. We had such a good laugh that I was worried the next day that the events to follow were down to us over doing it.
We had planned to go out for the day on the Saturday, possibly the steam fair, but in the morning it was obvious that George had taken a turn for the worse. This continued for the next 2 days and his condition, at first thought to be an infection which, in his low immune condition can be fatal, gave real cause for concern. He resisted the desire of the nurses to take him into the hospice but agreed to go to the Macmillan place on the Monday for tests.
We went up to Nottingham to see the family on Tuesday after George phoned sounding much better to say that he had strict instructions to see no-one for 2 days but that his temperature was back down and the nurses had ‘stopped panicking’.
Our arrangement was for us to all get together again at our campsite in Lingfield on Thursday and go for a pub lunch. We put off our return till the Friday as I wanted to get some electrical work done in Tunbridge Wells on the way back to Dover.
The gremlins struck again however. George phoned in the morning to say that he and Sheila were together and looking forward to arriving at about 1130 but, when he called from the bottom of the drive it was to say that Sheila wasn’t with him. She has MS and had taken a turn for the worse and had to be taken home.
It was a great disappointment for all of us and great concern for Sheila. We went ahead and had a good lunch and several more hours together before saying our goodbyes.
Despite all the setbacks we had a most enjoyable visit and found ourselves in the company of 2 terrific people, 2 people whose courage and determination to make the most of life leaves us lost in admiration.
Bon courage, George and Sheila, we’re already looking forward to the next time. :wink:

BTW, the little tank is for the 2 stroke oil and the machine is now relegated to garden duties.
Fran’s exploits with wheelies and market stall demolitions leaves me no choice. :unamused: :laughing:

I thought I’d put an update on here as I’ve noticed it’s gone quiet for a while.

Unfortunately George had a heart attack the week before his birthday but has pulled through and discharged himself on the Saturday before his birthday (which was Monday, I’ve forgotten the dates but it was a couple of weeks ago) because he didn’t want to be in hospital on his birthday, unfortunately he went back in on Sunday but was out for his birthday.
Trina and I were about to leave on Sunday to give him his card and a cake Trina had made for him but he was just leaving for the hospital.We have been wanting to go and see him since but Trina has had the flu.

I am expecting him to turn up at our wedding on 05/12/09 but he has only been invited on the proviso he doesn’t drop dead in the middle of the ceremony :wink: :smiley:

He’ll be doing his best not to do that Sean, but when I spoke to him on Sunday it was apparent that the pain is worse and more persistant.
He has vowed to stay in his flat as long as he possibly can but knows that the time is approaching when he will have to give up his independance and go into the hospice.
It is good for him to have another date to aim at, the last one was to make his birthday, what can we line up for him to follow the wedding?
'Fraid we’re past offering him a christening. :unamused: :laughing:

Thanks for the update Spardo, nice to hear the lads still soldiering on, he’s a brave fella would love for him to get well enough to stick the odd post on here, but it’s good to see he’s got good pals who keep us up to date.
thanks harry long retired.