Going deaf in the right ear

Noticed i am going deaf in my right ear.
I suppose things like this happen over time but i put it down to the years of driving with the window slightly open.
Many other drivers suffer from this?

Are you sure you don’t just need to have your ears syringed? You can get sufficient wax build up to make you go deaf but it’s easily sorted in 10 minutes at the GP’s surgery.

Noticed i am going deaf in my right ear.
I suppose things like this happen over time but i put it down to the years of driving with the window slightly open.
Many other drivers suffer from this?

Yes actually but not convinced it’s down to having the window open in my case as whenever possible it’s shut, when i sleep i lay on my good ear so therefore cannot hear too much and it makes for a peaceful nights sleep except I also have tinnitus in the right ear which is annoying.

bald bloke:

Noticed i am going deaf in my right ear.
I suppose things like this happen over time but i put it down to the years of driving with the window slightly open.
Many other drivers suffer from this?

Yes actually but not convinced it’s down to having the window open in my case as whenever possible it’s shut, when i sleep i lay on my good ear so therefore cannot hear too much and it makes for a peaceful nights sleep except I also have tinnitus in the right ear which is annoying.

pardon :question:

its quarter to six

aye ,right ear ,partly deaf.worst in depot and only 54yr old.
I was checked 2year back at work (was to set levels for future claims ).
Really confused the DR. doing the testing when we received our results,he couldnt figure why it was my right ear? until it was explained we drive on the other side o the road in UK.
i now wear eardefenders if i go any real distance in a mixer/dumping in a pump,same if its a windy day/week /headwind as the old artic i drive gets noisey when working hard climbing the escarpment(last half hr of every run).
bit late now but i would urge everybody tae keep the window up!!.

I found that my hearings not like it use to be and if there’s background noise everything gets washed out.

It was getting me wound up and also peed people off because I had to ask what was said .
Hearing test done and apparently my hearing is fine.
I don’t think they check for background noise or directional hearing.


oops sort deaf not blind aint it :laughing: :laughing:

Another one in the same club as me, years of driving in older wagons, noise of the engine coming up around the gearsick gater, exhaust exiting on the right hand side of the cab, the list goes on.

Another one in the same club as me, years of driving in older wagons, noise of the engine coming up around the gearsick gater, exhaust exiting on the right hand side of the cab, the list goes on.

Other old trucker’s ailments apart from window ear,stomach ulcers because of rushed greasy brekfasts, knackered knees with jumping off trailers and out of old trucks pre step days, bad back, and of course the dreaded Farmer Giles :laughing:

The same as Brados & Robroy I find the deafness can affect you stress wise as well not being able to understand what folk are saying. And regarding the Farmer Giles bit I was actually lucky I had them I went for a check up and while they were doing an endiscope they discovered a tumour in the bowel I hadn’t had any symtoms so was very lucky they were able to operate 10 days later and removed it Lucky or what. Eddie.

Noticed i am going deaf in my right ear.
I suppose things like this happen over time but i put it down to the years of driving with the window slightly open.
Many other drivers suffer from this?

only open the drivers window to hear the glorious sound of the Scania 141’s turbo come whistling by at 80 mph :smiley: not heard one for a while though :frowning:
these days just have the n/s window ajar

Where’s me pudding!

Had mine syringed a few weeks ago & I can hear fine now, used to have pain & blockages in my right ear…

i now wear eardefenders

I wear them when fly mowing the lawn, drilling a hole or anything else that’s slightly noisy.I did try to put a claim in for industrial deafness but the other ear is ok so i had no chance apparently as both ears would be affected equally.


Another one in the same club as me, years of driving in older wagons, noise of the engine coming up around the gearsick gater, exhaust exiting on the right hand side of the cab, the list goes on.

Other old trucker’s ailments apart from window ear,stomach ulcers because of rushed greasy brekfasts, knackered knees with jumping off trailers and out of old trucks pre step days, bad back, and of course the dreaded Farmer Giles :laughing:

I have the set apart from the farmers plus my left shoulder is knackered, put it down to those old gearboxes that needed strength to use, I drove a Scottish Land AEC for over 2 years on an opencast, even with ear defenders my ears used to ring for hours after my shift, ah the good old days… lol
The trucks I drive now are luxury, I have to look at the rev counter to see if it’s still running.

Had mine syringed a few weeks ago & I can hear fine now, used to have pain & blockages in my right ear…

I used to get mine done every 3-4 years. it’s now every 1-2 years.
No problems with my ears as such, just a build up of wax, Which is just your natural defence.

its quarter to six

I laughed at that and a little bit of wee came out.
Another sign of age creeping in :neutral_face:

Yep, also deaf in my right ear. Category 2 according to the occupational health guy at work.

Also, have wrist damage that’s the same as tennis elbow but in the wrist, most likely caused by driving old vehicles and resting my hand on the vibrating gearstic

some times its just natural ware and tear. I mean we got no way of knowing if these alements would of happend anyway. most things I think are genetic and passed on by are famerly back grounds.

Yep, also deaf in my right ear. Category 2 according to the occupational health guy at work.

Also, have wrist damage that’s the same as tennis elbow but in the wrist, most likely caused by driving old vehicles and resting my hand on the vibrating gearstic

I’ve had the same with my left elbow. (repetitive strain injury).
I was in really bad pain every morning for about six months. But when they sent me to jail i joined the gym. A bloke showed me an excercise. kneel on a bench and lift a 35kilo dumbell with the left arm. It was hard for the first two weeks, but it’s fine now.
I’d still be suffering now if they didn’t send me down. How lucky is that? :laughing: