as you just said lankyphil the company or agency you are going to be working for would want to be happy you knew what you where doing
this kid has a class 1 licence now and he doesnt know what he is doing
i dont think you can class operating a tail lift in the same light as taking a fully loaded unit and trailer out on the road when you have never driven one
i see where your coming from with where does the reponsibility end with the driving school and i know everything comes with hand on experience but surely he should have been given the basics at least
class 1 licence = proffessional driver = someone that knows what they are doing and to me no one should hold that licence until they do know what they are doing
class 1 licence = proffessional driver = someone that knows what they are doing and to me no one should hold that licence until they do know what they are doing
Ha Ha we are talking about 50% of LGV drivers on the road today.Professionalism has gone out the window.
Seriously though the biggest majority of the armed forces get their C+E license by passing a test on a W+D.
It is no great deal to switch to an artic.The difference in forward driving and reversing can be picked up very quickly by someone with half a brain.
Only coupling and uncoupling would need to be shown before attempting.All a piece of cake though.
If he’s on agency tell him to destroy it & the client will give him another replacement no questions asked, use it as a learning curve.:.#problemsolved
artics are a piece of cake you dont need to know anything about them just give a licence to anyone and hope for the best
And that is exactly what they do when they pass a lot of candidates on their driving tests.The test is far too easy and yes anyone can pass it.I have trained all sorts of people to pass their test from binmen to professional footballers to traffic police to 17 year old females and they all pass.Are they all competent…not in a million years but they have the license.
Driving an artic is not rocket science.You could teach a monkey to drive one and he would probably drive better than some of our human drivers!
Yes like anything there are certain skills needed but they can be easily learned by anyone.Why some think it is a highly skilled job beats me.That is why it is not so well paid as a lot of professions.
I have driven both …but i was trained on a artic …i found the wag an drag easy enough to reverse , just took my time…i think its easier to back under a trailer than judge a coupling on a drag, plus your not on your knees putting the lines on…unless your lucky and the drag has been adapted, but then again if your unlucky and get a drag with a bogey at the front different ball game… do they still make them ? ive seen the odd foreign truck with the bogey…use common sense take time and dont be rushed into anything…but if your man is still not sure get some further training as said …good luck you will get there.
just gone back on tics after 10 years on dragon and wags, much easier( but still having trouble setting up for the reverse) passed my test on w&d but never had trouble with coupling up artics, common sense and asking questions if you don’t know
i passed in the same way so i watched other drivers on u-tube coupling and then blagged it,not alot of difference just take your timelukes top tips (un)coupling
If he passed his test in a wagon and draw bar he probably has a c+e licence but it’s likely to have a restriction on his licence that restricts him to draw bar only. Needs to look on the back and see if there’s a number next to the category.
If its a code 102 he is draw bar only and would need a set of L plates for an artic and trailer.
CE rules have, for quite some time, stated that, no matter which combination you use, you will be entitled to drive any CE combination following a test pass
If he passed his test in a wagon and draw bar he probably has a c+e licence but it’s likely to have a restriction on his licence that restricts him to draw bar only. Needs to look on the back and see if there’s a number next to the category.
If its a code 102 he is draw bar only and would need a set of L plates for an artic and trailer.
As stated previously, this would only potentially apply to licence’s issued before 1991 before the EU licence was introduced.