Worlds Toughest trucker..!

For something that is supposed to be a ‘competition’, there is a distinct lack of excitement about the whole thing.

Don’t think I’ll bother watching it again … :unamused:

They asked me to apply for this. I don’t think they’d ever seen my videos! I got the application and saw the questions and realised I’m not even the toughest trucker in the village I’m from, let alone the world, so declined to apply!

lost intrest when i seen one of the yanks wearing his hi viz sat in the passenger seat :unamused:

:smiley: :laughing: :grimacing: Boom tish

did anyone else notice that the commentator said the contestants were not used to driving left hand drive trucks?

or the deliberate mistake, they were all right hand drive

I’m not sure what was bigger, their ego’s or their beards.

I bet Rookie regrets going on the show when he sobers up :open_mouth:

Oh my lord, gearchanging= stirring soup…

I looked at the title and immediately reached the conclusion that a show titled The Worlds Toughest Trucker was going to be over dramatised, over everything-else-ised, male cattle droppings. So decided to give it a miss to save my tv screen.
Looking at this thread confirms I was right :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses:

Oh sorry!.. I saw the title and thought somebody was looking for me :sunglasses::laughing: :laughing::unamused:

Do they crap in tesco bags and hurl them at fellow road users? And launch 2ltr driver tizer bottles out?

Oh…I thought it was World’s PUFFEST Driver! :unamused:

The production team will probably read these posts, and if they do lets start by saying you got it wrong.From naration to camera work and the whole general feel of the show was rushed , had no depth or excitement to hold my interest. I expected its a knockout meets wipeout, but got the living planet on wheels.

Reversing into a tight space. slalom between cones going backwards,trailer swapping ten times, blind side reverse,sliding on a water pan etc .Doing these things in each respective country is what my idea of toughest driver,even lisa from ice road truckers would have been ashamed at what she saw.

And as for an international ,vist a TP office and you will find a british,german,polish,scottish irish african bulgarian,drivers i wouldnt even throw a spare pair of knickers at it

The production team will probably read these posts, and if they do lets start by saying you got it wrong.From naration to camera work and the whole general feel of the show was rushed , had no depth or excitement to hold my interest. I expected its a knockout meets wipeout, but got the living planet on wheels.

Reversing into a tight space. slalom between cones going backwards,trailer swapping ten times, blind side reverse,sliding on a water pan etc .Doing these things in each respective country is what my idea of toughest driver,even lisa from ice road truckers would have been ashamed at what she saw.

And as for an international ,vist a TP office and you will find a british,german,polish,scottish irish african bulgarian,drivers i wouldnt even throw a spare pair of knickers at it

Hate to ask the question,but,and I’ll get me coat,were you called Brentanna in an earlier life ? :question: :laughing:

did anyone else notice that the commentator said the contestants were not used to driving left hand drive trucks?

or the deliberate mistake, they were all right hand drive

yep !!

cracked me up when the American said " I ain’t been outside the US before but American truckers are the best in the world "

and tbh he was a crap driver anyway !

the worlds gobbiest trucker.
hell yerrrr.

brilliant :sunglasses: pure cheese from start to finish & not a stobart trailer in sight , nobody was there to save the world in a green,red & white truck so it made it watchable , there’s very little on the TV worth watching nowadays , & if this offers entertainment at their expence i’ll watch it , after all i’ve already paid my TV license so it’s worth poking a stick at :laughing:

not sure why they all ahve to look like auditionee’s from a crockadile dundee film though

i hope the bloke shane ? falls from his perch big time, the blokes a prat, spouting all the everything is bigger & better in america & then turns into the biggest drama queen the series could find, i was hoping zola would drive off on his own after the river crossing debarcle.
ha i’d like to see them blindside reverse into somerfield ,Tavistock during rushhour traffic , thats what should have been shown or maybe that was cut from the show , as none of them could do it :open_mouth:

world toughest trucker , ? dont make me laugh for what they might want it to be it was awfull , but for what it is , it’s great :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

oh yeah ,the scotsman & the canadian to win

oh yeah disco stu , if yer reading this , whats with the union jack tied around yer wrist ?

These guys are not truckers they’re showmen , and whats tough about driving like idiots?Could any of these guys reverse blind on to a bay with only a foot on either side clearence ■■ I doubt it.

rocky 7:
These guys are not truckers they’re showmen , and whats tough about driving like idiots?Could any of these guys reverse blind on to a bay with only a foot on either side clearence ■■ I doubt it.

of course they could they’re big tough truckers …

GGGRRRRRR …look they havent even got auto’s , they got to wiggle that stick thing about ,how much more proof do you need :neutral_face:

How long before the Sherman clocks the Sri-Lankan? :laughing: