Working on after retirement age

I pay a lot of tax, but no National Insurance, my wife pays no tax as she doesn’t earn enough, but to me the job is a paying hobby, easy work, and after doing 12 years middle east, doing a 400 mile round trip trunk run is nothing, but when one of our younger drivers moans that Leeds is too far from Stoke so can he have a shorter run!, makes me LMFAO!
Not sure how complicated it is to do but if your wife pays no tax you can use her unused personal allowance up to the tax threshold to offset against your own tax

I pay a lot of tax, but no National Insurance, my wife pays no tax as she doesn’t earn enough, but to me the job is a paying hobby, easy work, and after doing 12 years middle east, doing a 400 mile round trip trunk run is nothing, but when one of our younger drivers moans that Leeds is too far from Stoke so can he have a shorter run!, makes me LMFAO!

Not sure how complicated it is to do but if your wife pays no tax you can use her unused personal allowance up to the tax threshold to offset against your own tax
You can transfer about £1000 of a spouses tax allowance … en-spouses

Don’t retire, go semi retirement i.e. Agency it is great, I worked Saturday and Sunday for very nice money, roads were quiet no stress at all. Had my day of yesterday which I took but agency rang up saying there was no class 1 for today would I do class 2 multi drop as a driver had not turned in and I politely refused so did the gardening today :smiley: I love it and have refused a few full time offers now. To be honest I don’t think I will ever work full time again :sunglasses:

Only problem with working after 65 is the yearly fight with DVSA for another year driving.

Very true, but I’ve managed to get through the medicals for the last seven years and my next is due this next month, my type 2 diabetes is diet controlled, I’ve had cataracts done in both eyes this last year, and I’m not on any sort of medication so here’s hoping I get through another medical this time around.

I sold up and retired in 2012 a few months before my 65th, It lasted two months. I took a job on day work then retired again on my 66th birthday. I did a few odd days on holiday relief which was ok. A couple of months ago I got a call from an O/D who had to have surgery, could I drive his motor for a few weeks? I agreed and did four weeks. It was a real culture shock!! the job was easy enough but, work interfered so much with living :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :confused: :confused: :laughing: :laughing: I would do the odd day or even a week, but I wouldn’t commit myself to any longer. Regards Kev.

Get a decent hobby … And let the youngens have the jobs …

I am 62 and thinking of doing less work.Trouble is the work just keeps rolling up and they want my Rse on the seat.Its very difficult for younger people to get into our industry,its so expensive just to aquire a car license never mind a vocational one.The number of times that I have said I will do the job if you are stuck ,but if any one else wants it I will stand down.

I’m past retirement age and still work full time (well, month on and month off) and can still find loads of jobs in my line of work because no-one wants to come into the job) I also work during my leave periods, glad of that cos being at home 24/7 would drive me around the bend :slight_smile:

Its up to the individual needs,personally I retired 4 years ago,lowered my hours gradually in the last couple of years.
My Licence renewal came,but I had never used it so I gave it up,never done a days work since dont have time.
Surprising how you adjust from doing as your told to doing what you want when you want,not rushing around trying to fit everything in over your weekends off
No early starts except to catch a flight somewhere,sit and watch late TV because your not watching the clock to get minimum sleep time,look out the window see snow or frost,no way,and then get back into bed.
Its surprising how much less you need to live on very comfortably,no NI,Bus pass ,no Prescription,less fuel in the car in my case fill up once a month not every week.

Get a decent hobby … And let the youngens have the jobs …

Yeh, haven’t you heard? There won’t be enough of you young’uns to pay the old’uns’ pensions, since they’re all living longer. They’re doing you a favour by working past retirement age - it’s keeping your tax down.

For myself, I’m nearly there but I won’t stop. I’ve seen too many fellas stop, then die.


Get a decent hobby … And let the youngens have the jobs …

Yeh, haven’t you heard? There won’t be enough of you young’uns to pay the old’uns’ pensions, since they’re all living longer. They’re doing you a favour by working past retirement age - it’s keeping your tax down.

For myself, I’m nearly there but I won’t stop. I’ve seen too many fellas stop, then die.

That’s what I’m afraid of…

finished driving at 62,that was the best move I have ever made,never been in a truck cab since. started driving in a thames trader (bag of s**t) and finished in a strallis. (full circle) if you no what I mean).no more silly o clock starts/vosa/rdc and the crap that goes with them/motor–ways and all the traffic probs on a Friday/cab phones/winter fogs etc.and for me no stress,i never had a fancy truck with all the added bling, mine was a tool to do a job earn money.dont be afraid of retirement but I know it wont suit all of you but it does me.
regards to all



Get a decent hobby … And let the youngens have the jobs …

Yeh, haven’t you heard? There won’t be enough of you young’uns to pay the old’uns’ pensions, since they’re all living longer. They’re doing you a favour by working past retirement age - it’s keeping your tax down.

For myself, I’m nearly there but I won’t stop. I’ve seen too many fellas stop, then die.

That’s what I’m afraid of…

I am afraid you will die whatever you do. It’s the only certain thing in life… :laughing: Stop working and enjoy life before it happens. :smiley:

I am afraid you will die whatever you do. It’s the only certain thing in life… :laughing: Stop working and enjoy life before it happens. :smiley:

Don’t forget taxes!! They ain’t going any-time soon.

Maybe people in their late 50s should start thinking about what they are going to do when they no longer need to work.I have beento a few retirement dos where we have wished an old geezer a long and happy retirement.Then 6 months later he has died of boredom or just lost the will to live.


Get a decent hobby … And let the youngens have the jobs …

Yeh, haven’t you heard? There won’t be enough of you young’uns to pay the old’uns’ pensions, since they’re all living longer. They’re doing you a favour by working past retirement age - it’s keeping your tax down.

For myself, I’m nearly there but I won’t stop. I’ve seen too many fellas stop, then die.

More ■■■■■ you have read in a comic …

They stop and die because they don’t have nothing to do, just like you probably don’t …