windows 10

IE11 is most definitely included in Win10… if you’re having trouble finding it, look for C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (there’s also 32-bit version in C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer folder). They did hide it to “force” you to use Edge instead…

While Win7 was nice, the 10 is much nicer :slight_smile: I wouldn’t go back…

got full version on desktop and downloading onto laptop now. looks better that win8 much more adjustable etc. think it will be ok but thats just my opinion. and what do i know :unamused:

I stick with Window 7 on my Laptop. All Software included and free. Till W7 is outdated is it the Laptop too. Still have Ubuntu on the second Harddrive.


On my desktop IE had gone from the task-bar and start menu after the upgrade but a search brought it up, I can’t see why it would be different on a laptop.

You could always use Firefox or Chrome which are both better browsers than IE.

I did a search and could not find the previous IE 11 on my lappy which is why I tried unsuccessfully to download it

Oh well, I am happier going back to W7 and IE 11

I also use Opera

type into the search bar iexplore.exe when you find it right click it and add to taskbar (or whatever they call it in w10) and you will have your link back.

Window 10 … anlage.csp

German consumer advocates urge caution in dealing with the new Microsoft operating system Windows 10. Turn the computer “in a kind of private monitoring system”, the Verbraucherzentrale Rheinland-Pfalz criticized on Monday. Who accept the privacy policy, consent to “a comprehensive fishing expeditions” using a.

Microsoft values ​​from not only the name, address, age, gender and phone number, but also the location of the device, the one you wanted in the company’s own services websites used keywords, contact with other persons and items purchased.

“Users of digital devices are becoming a commodity that is marketed more and more even,” warned the Legal Secretary of Verbraucherzentrale Rheinland-Pfalz, Christian Gollner. From the use of data, for example, habits, needs and purchasing power could read. Advertising and deals could be so precisely tailored to the interests of consumers. Also contract conditions, prices and discounts could be adjusted to consumption and behavior profiles.

The Verbraucherzentrale Rheinland-Pfalz recommends users of Windows 10, the additional data transfers at Microsoft did not want to adjust the privacy settings accordingly. It was not necessary to set up a Microsoft account are stored on the settings and documents on the Internet. Consumers would then but forgo the use of some functions. (APA / AFP)

To get all settings you need to enable god mode. I like it on my tablet and both windows phones are on win 10 too

I upgraded windows 8 to windows 10 and think its a big improvement , I also have a widows 7 laptop I am thinking of updating ■■ is there a time limit to the free upgrade ■■

I upgraded windows 8 to windows 10 and think its a big improvement , I also have a widows 7 laptop I am thinking of updating ■■ is there a time limit to the free upgrade ■■

You need to upgrade within the first year of Windows 10 being available, so that will be 29 July 2016.

thanks :slight_smile: while its definitely better than 8 , I want to be sure before I do away wit 7

Just upgraded from 8.1 to 10 for free of course. Didn’t realise it would take so long, since I started the process to being able to use the laptop again has taken about four hours. But it dose seem to be working okay. Had a bit of trouble trying to get COMODO to work but I’m changing to Mcfee tomorrow. The next few days will tell if we prefer it or not.

Ahem, I’m a bit of a geek. I like computers and have been playing with them for years, building, fixing, overclocking, modding, gaming, watching etc etc. I was a huge fan of XP then Win 7, we shall not mention the V word.

After installing Windows 10 and disabling all of the spying features I wouldn’t go back to 7, and deleted the rollback. IMHO Win 10 is great…

Spying haha most of it is for cloud or syncing with other devices

Few years back I updated to 7 ultimate via Software4students…the resident cabbage was in college so for 35 notes, seemed a no brainer! However, it seems that after he left college, they got wind of this and (I may be wrong) disabled the update side of things…tried various fixes etc over the 2 years or so but still no go. My iPad is more than enough these days and all the photos are on Google photos or Carousel (Dropbox)

I updated to 10, was very happy with it, so I downloaded a bootable disc and done a fresh install losing all traces of 7 completely. I still have 7 on my desktop though as that’s not suitable to upgrade unless I change my graphics card. :frowning:

Windows 10 does have more than a few advantages over earlier versions of Windows. Faster, needs less disk space than earlier versions to mention just a couple.
That said, make sure you do a compatibility test BEFORE installing Windows 10. Windows 10 is not 100% backward compatible with all older computer hardware.
Once installed, if you prefer the look of Windows 7/8 to Windows 10 desktop, install a program, such as Classic Shell. This makes the Windows 10 desktop up as a Windows 7/8 lookalike, while having Windows 10 performance.
One thing I have noticed. Very disappointing. Although Windows 10 is a lightning fast OS, it still hasn’t improved my ‘hunt-and-peck’ typing speed/style.

Just pressed the ■■■ for my free upgrade to Windows 10 to begin at 0100 hrs tomorrow 11th March, here’s hoping I aint made another ■■■■ up !!

Have I landed? Thank ■■■■ for that!
I was halfway through composing an email this morning when totally uninvited, my 'puter comes up with, “Uploading Windows 10, do not switch off your computer!”
It was taking so long, mum and I have been out shopping, got back and it’s taken me half an hour to get my head around this system, could I find my Favourites? could I ■■■■! it’s a good job mum has more patience and computer savvy than me, otherwise it would have been out of the ■■■■■■■ window!
The question now is, if I log off, will I ever be able to log in again?
Time will tell!

Maybe try a computer course