Why Don't you Pull Out?

when im in my truck i pull out. but when im in my vectra v6 i never go near the slow lane so if i pulled out id be in the central reservation :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

i am also a vectra driver and a lgv c driver and pull over.but what annoys me most is lgv c/e drivers yes you in the artics one doing 55 whilst the other doing 55.5 mph trying to overtake each other hogging 2 lanes whilst on the flats or going uphill .or even better tailgating i had one yesterday that close i couldent have slipped a cd in between the two vehicles.and i also believe most of you artic drivers had previos lives as bus drivers pull out then indicate forcing other road users to hit the brakes thus causing the truck behind to break the cd …

Hang on a minute mate, you said that you are a class c driver, so i take it thats rigids, so why are you having a dig because we pull a trailer, im confused.
And as a Class c driver, you will also have a limiter fitted to 56mph so why ask the question about taking a while to pass sometimes?

F’in Rigid drivers…

because as a rigid driver i have the sense to tuck back behind if i find i cant overtake and wait a decent distance. not try for the next 10 mile.

But surely you understand the logic behind it, im baffled by your view.
If im about to overtake another artic or rigid or whatever it may be, i might be flying past, then hit a hill, i may be loaded and them empty, so they will start picking up and come up the nearside, then the hill levels and you continue to pick up speed and then pass, if it takes a few minutes then so be, if ive just caught this driver up, then chances are im going faster, even if it is only by a couple of mph, so im not about to sit back behind having to constantly alter my speed because i dont want to overtake, ill get out there and will get past.
On the other hand, if a faster vehicle is overtaking me, and its obvious that he has been “out” there for a minute, ill knock the limter off and let him cruise past, then flash him back, how many times do you do that?

Its hard enough tyring to educate car dirvers why it appears that we are “hogging” the middle lane to overtake, but to have to try and explain it to a Cat c driver beggers belief.

so now your telling me you cannot see a hill approaching, time you stopped driving.in an average day i watch at least 10 artics blocking two lanes because neither driver will give way to each other .and i guess your not the only one who cant see whats comming up because you drive far too close to the truck in front
,oh and let me be the first to tell you i would sooner take the foot off the pedal to let an artic in than have it 1 inch behind me or 2 inches from the side.the number of times i have caught up to two maybee 3 artics in the left lane about to overtake then without warning out the tailgater comes 20 mins later i can then finnish overtaking.

I think your missing the point, you drive a rigid, most artic drivers have driven them, at the end of the day you are driving a TRUCK, artic drivers just happen to be driving a TRUCK with a TRAILER, are you seriously trying to tell me that the same type of scenario doesnt happen with rigid.
Get real

A Little off topic now? :unamused:

quote by hunter:

or even better tailgating i had one yesterday that close i couldn’t have slipped a cd in between the two vehicles.

oh and let me be the first to tell you i would sooner take the foot off the pedal to let an artic in than have it 1 inch behind me or 2 inches from the side


bit of a contradiction there the first quote he must have caught up with you so why didn’t you take your foot of the pedal and let him past like you say in the second quote.

we all have places to go but you don’t see me moaning about the class c drivers that do the same.

after all we are all proffesional drivers :smiley:


Why doesn’t the one on the inside just slow it a nadge?

well there we go jonboy, because he couldent pass. because the artic in front of me and the artic in the middle lane were playing the silly game of pass me if you can.oh and why dident the artic behind me back off a little bit, answer because he wanted the same exit as me.and to answer your question gurner yes it does, but not as often as with the artic drivers.

“Why doesn’t the one on the inside just slow it a nadge ?”

Somewhere in the Highway Code there’s a paragraph that says if you’re being overtaken by another vehicle then you must slow down and allow it to pass.

And yes, I do pull out when I can but “every man and his dog” are usually sitting on the middle and outside lanes - most motorists consider the inside lane is the "slow lane. You must have seen it, the middle and outside lanes are packed and there’s nothing in the inside lane, in front or behind, for at least a quarter of a mile ! Lane discipline, they wouldn’t know what it was if they fell over it !

Here’s something which you all seem to have forgotten…

Speaking from experience, I know that when I was a rigid driver, I couldn’t understand this one either…until I took out my first fully-freighted 44 tonner, and it suddenly dawned on me that backing off on a roll was a seriously bad idea!!!. With that sort of weight on, dogged perseverance is often the only sensible way to work with any degree of efficiency!!! :open_mouth:

Now if the one on the inside is *empty…*well, that’s a different thing completely… :wink:

quote=“JONBOY@RH”]vectra drivers eh :unamused: so touchy… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

NO THEIR NOT ! :angry:

Ha Ha ha :wink:

after all we are all proffesional drivers :smiley: jon

I`m almost sure there should be a “suppossed to be” in there :wink:

I was reminded of his thread after a little incident on Sunday night.

I was in Holland on the A65, a two lane motorway between Tilburg and Den Bosch, it was about 22:00 local time and the road was very quiet. I could see a truck coming up behind me and nothing else on our side of the carriageway. Up ahead, on the hard shoulder, I saw two or three sets of blue lights and several sets of hazard lights. The truck behind was so close that I couldn’t see him in the mirrors anymore and only really knew he was still there because of his lights.

I checked the left mirror and the lane was clear as far back as I could see so indicated and moved out so as to leave plenty of room passing the blue lights. The truck behind started to follow me out but then must have seen I wasn’t ‘overtaking’ anything and moved back in and started to undertake me. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

He was about half way along my inside as we passed the incident, two police cars, one ambulance, four cars and the medics dealing with somebody in one of the cars.

As we were now past the incident I put the right indicator on to see what he would do which consisted of an angry blast on the horn, flashing headlights and he continued barreling past.

Sad to say this was a GB registered vehicle but as it was a plain white MAN and an unlettered blue Euroliner I couldn’t get a company name.