Why did I bother getting my HGV?

Hope you find something bud.

It’s frustrating. I renewed my class 1 back in July after 20+ years of not needing it and doing other things and have only the past few weeks or so started getting work and that’s through an agency. Last minute out the blue panic call when the hualage company and agency had run out of other more recent experienced drivers gave me my break. I’ve registered online with loads of agencies but have now started to go round to them and actually register in their office in person with my cv, licences etc. If you do the online registration it’s only a provisional thing, you need to go in and fill in/ sign etc. various forms before they will offer you any work and being new, it’s usually going to be a last minute call, if you haven’t been in to the office, you’re not going to get that call.

Best of luck.

There is no driver shortage, and you only need to look at the wage to see that! :open_mouth:
However there is no shortage of lying scumbags in this game who will tell you different to satisfy their own interests…

I feel your pain Felix as you’re in a chicken and egg scenario, which is deeply frustrating for most fresh Newbies. And this forum is littered with threads from fresh starts that have struggled to get a start to build their experience, and in turn open more doors to better jobs…

Whilst Tachograph is correct that now is a busy period for limpers (agency staff), I believe that most employers and agencies are not interested in taking a risk on a green Newbie at this moment leading up to Xmas. An agency doesn’t want to risk upsetting the client, and that’s not you by the way it’s the firm! :wink: So I’d suggest whilst things are manic leading up to Xmas, you’ve not got much hope at getting a start. Sorry! :neutral_face: And even worse I’d also suggest that January and February aren’t going to be much better for you! :cry:

I believe the best time for a Newbie to get started is late spring (depending on the sector) as people are starting to think about holidays and short term stand in’s are required. Luck is also a factor, but this obviously improves with perseverance… So I’d suggest you don’t give up, just that refocus your efforts from March onwards reapplying to everyone you’ve applied to before. It’s not you, it’s not that your a women, it’s just the industry where things are seasonal and fresh Newbies have the extra hurdle of being in the most part a liability, as they generally do hit things whilst they are learning…

As for the 2 years experience thing, that does apply with some companies due to insurance, but I also believe some firms tell Newbies that to let them down gently. i.e. we though we might need you, but we don’t and I don’t want to tell you that straight! :open_mouth:

Chin up and keep trying! :smiley: