the lettering on these tyres were done with the tyre pens, only the outline was done, the shine was the Tyre Dandy from Autosmart
obviously, the white lettering and the shine lasting will all depend on how careful you are and how often you clip curbs
How big is the cab on that lorry
I thought the same ill keep an eye out for you if your down south you’ll be hard to miss. I’ve only seen a couple off scanias with the longline cabs I think it’s k.e.r transport that run them they’re lovely looking trucks.
I don’t think it was ever found again after it was stolen - that’ll be an old pic.
I will have to do mine REMOULD will look great highlighted!
For my two pennies worth, painted tyres only look good if they are all the same make.
Tyres are like women’s underwear… mix and matching looks crap.
jessicas dad:
For my two pennies worth, painted tyres only look good if they are all the same make.
Tyres are like women’s underwear… mix and matching looks crap.
Lol JD I’d agree with you on both counts, it also looks naff on cheap Chinese tyres
. Saw some on a trailer the other day called Double Happiness

It’s all well and good until someone puts the squeeze on you and you end up scrubbing the side walls clean on a kerb. Best get your paint brushes out again…
Did mine in black, took hours and TBH was a bit disappointed 
I use the same paint that is in tyre art pens (from halfords) but in tinned form, using an artist brush cut down in length, then use the tyre art pen to do the outline, sounds a pain in the arse but takes me 30 mins to do the unit
Rob K:
the lettering on these tyres were done with the tyre pens, only the outline was done, the shine was the Tyre Dandy from Autosmart
obviously, the white lettering and the shine lasting will all depend on how careful you are and how often you clip curbs
I thought that got nicked years ago and was never seen again? Was there an update to that story that I’ve missed? 
it was stolen two years ago, not seen or heard of since

that photo was taken at truckfest Peterborough 2010
How can I troll with nearly 900 posts?
I’ve tried the model paint but didn’t work terribly well.
I use ‘finish’ by autosmart or whatever it’s called. Does the interior shiny bits as well as dressing the tyres.
I’m in a 15 meter coach and its going around London etc so more for show to make the coach stand out a little more.
Rob K:
the lettering on these tyres were done with the tyre pens, only the outline was done, the shine was the Tyre Dandy from Autosmart
obviously, the white lettering and the shine lasting will all depend on how careful you are and how often you clip curbs
I thought that got nicked years ago and was never seen again? Was there an update to that story that I’ve missed? 
it was stolen two years ago, not seen or heard of since

that photo was taken at truckfest Peterborough 2010
What was the story behind it in the first place, I’ve never seen a Longline DAF apart from that one?
How can I troll with nearly 900 posts?
I’ve tried the model paint but didn’t work terribly well.
I use ‘finish’ by autosmart or whatever it’s called. Does the interior shiny bits as well as dressing the tyres.
I’m in a 15 meter coach and its going around London etc so more for show to make the coach stand out a little more.
You can get them done so they stay on permant and then you just have to top them up every now and then tyre tracks at eccelshall would be able to point you in the right direction