What to take Tramping

Not a tramper so I can’t tell you what to take but you should probably leave your soul at home.

Take a pot noodle with you. If it’s still unopened at the end of the week then you know you must be doing something right.

Take a pot noodle with you. If it’s still unopened at the end of the week then you know you must be doing something right.

I carry one for absolute dire desperate emergencies, it’s been in my cab for about 4 years.
Have you watched old episodes of Top Gear,.where the 3 of them are waiting for their supercars to break down,.and they’re being shadowed and followed by an Austin Allegro to use as an alternative car, or something equally as crap?
Well the Pot Noodle is my Allegro. :laughing:


Take a pot noodle with you. If it’s still unopened at the end of the week then you know you must be doing something right.

I carry one for absolute dire desperate emergencies, it’s been in my cab for about 4 years.
Have you watched old episodes of Top Gear,.where the 3 of them are waiting for their supercars to break down,.and they’re being shadowed and followed by an Austin Allegro to use as an alternative car, or something equally as crap?
Well the Pot Noodle is my Allegro. :laughing:

Yep, me too. Although my dire emergency was nipping into a garage for a ready meal ding spag bol or I had run out of Merlot :open_mouth: :laughing:

Take a pot noodle with you. If it’s still unopened at the end of the week then you know you must be doing something right.

Unless you’re Granthams finest Stobarts driver :laughing:

All the above advice is rubbish.
For an aspiring tramper you only need the following items.
Duct tape
Thank me later.

Chloroform :blush:
Wrong list

blue estate:

All the above advice is rubbish.
For an aspiring tramper you only need the following items.
Duct tape
Thank me later.

Chloroform :blush:
Wrong list

I forgot cable ties.

Take a laptop and an unlimited data sim so that if you forget anything you can find it locally and surf youtube for how to do anything in life.Try 3 or o2
The maoster is bang on though…
Also plenty of spare socks.

Good torch.

the maoster:
Week one take nothing, by week two you’ll have a fair idea what you will need.

Ok, that was a bit trite but not too far off the mark tbh. Take your sleeping bag/quilt, fresh clothes, washing and shaving kit as a bare minimum. Over time you’ll add to that when you realise that you are missing something.

If I may offer some advice on the back of 30 plus years tramping DO NOT under any circumstances turn it into an endurance test by running to the last minute before ducking into some unsuitable layby or you’ll end up detesting the job. Set your stall out from day one that you’ll be as efficient as possible but you’ll not be pushed to meet unrealistic deadlines that are set by a child who would struggle to find his way from the transport office to his home without mummy to hold his hand.

Above all, enjoy.

Thanks everyone and especially the maoster for all the good information and suggestion’s!

You’re welcome mate. Enjoy. Despite what some nay sayers will tell you tramping can still be as enjoyable as you make it.