What other forums?

Anything worthwhile here - mocktheorytest.com/resources/so … in-the-uk/

blue estate:


If you can’t see that fb and twitter are woke left wing media marxists then there’s no helping you

You’ve not been on the FB trucking pages have you? If FB was woke left wing marxists then half the posts would be getting deleted. They post stuff on there that wouldn’t last 2 minutes here.

There is one that’s obsessed with Stobart mess ups

They are sad

there is a new forum for us Leicestershire & Rutland transport bod’s,which is pretty good.no threads on brexit,kneeling,‘vaccines’,or any of the crap that is dividing this once-great Country.

There used to one called Truckersworld , now gone to other social media platforms.

I used to be a moderator on truckersworld.

Fred is on Facebook