What Mags do you read

I get Truck and driver and occasionally trucking i always end up doin the puzzles in T&D trying to win the cash :laughing:

Used to read Commercial Motor but dont have any mags now.


i read trucking from time to time but im a nuts fan :wink:

I normally buy Classic Commercials or Heritage mag but will buy Comical Motor to keep up with the news if there is a story that interests me on the cover. It has just become too much of an advert for trucks and trailers

To be fair, any magazine is out of date before it is delivered to the newsagent with the 24 hour internet.

Viz :sunglasses:

I ain’t seen viz for years but never looked for it . I thought it had gone from the shelves :astonished:

Pert Breasts Weekly! :laughing: