What caffeine/energy drink do you prefer?



For me its I really needed Relentless, but I’d rather go for a couple of strong coffees.

On a side note, I’m getting a free sample of that 925 sent out as seen advertised in T&D I’ll let you know what its like :smiley:

ITS BLOODY LOVELY, black cherry flavour, only just drank it so dont know what effects are like, one think worries me that I read on the bottle:

Vitamin B-12
833 mcg per serving 13883% of RDA

get free sample email name and address to mark@925energy.com

website is 925energy.com where you can get all details etc

You sure you got that right…Thirteen Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eighty Three percent 13,883%■■? Thats crazy man, CRAZY!!!

Yes I got that right copied it off the drinks website, how ■■■■ ing mental is that■■? :open_mouth: