Unreasonable annoyances [Merged]

And while we are at it with fake celebrities , what is it with the laughing Hyena of This Morning Alison Hammond ,laughing all the way to the bank and being paid a lot for not being famous ,I don’t care about her garden furniture or what she is baking at home in an expensive house paid for by ITV .


Once upon a time…
Some people tried to excel at their chosen metier, be it sport, music or whatever. Some of them would, almost by coincidence, become famous.
Don’t we now have too many who seek a hollow fame, rather than actually being good at (or for!) something?

“Metier.” Now that’s a good word.
Another good word I’ve seen which describes our endless supply of wealthy slebs. “Vacuous.”
It’s some ambition if your aim in life is to be famous for being famous.Who gives these tiresome people their money,and why?


I did wonder how come all of a sudden it looked like I was the raving lunatic that started this thread! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

why is it in the history of film making that there has never been a car made that has a steering lock fitted.
all you need is to rip off the steering wheel plastic,and spark a couple of wires together,then drive off in your newly stolen car.

How annoying it is to see people wearing a face mask with their noses sticking out , if you are going to wear one , at least cover the hooter , otherwise it’s useless , and bin the rubber gloves and used masks , and not drop them in the streets for someone else to pick it up .

If the bin is too much effort , at least put the mask and gloves in a plastic bag .
Back to annoying fake celebrities , Gyles Brandeth wearing colourful woolly jumpers , all year round , listen mate , you are not funny wearing that .

One way system on pavements to avoid breathing in to other people but everyone ignores the one way system , which works well if used properly .

A lady in the fuel station paying for fuel , massive sign right in front of her face saying exit by middle aisle , no she can’t read , she turns around to walk towards me when I was stood behind her .
People that open doors and touch the handle then get a coffee without washing their hands , the same at food establishments ,the same idiots that don’t use the gloves provided when fueling up , I know someone who got Covid from the pump as that was the only thing he did prior to the lockdown .

Rather than start a new thread, let’s put today’s pet peeve on here:

There are Three shops:

One has “Mask wearing strictly enforced”.

The second has “Mask Wearing optional”, but you see jobsworths you know in there that’ll grass you up for that ■■■ ■■■■ in the gutter on friday nights…

The third has nothing up at all, except a faded worn-out weeks-old sign with a couple of footy feet on it saying “please observe social distancing 2m”

Where you gonna shop as of July 24th then?

why is it in the history of film making that there has never been a car made that has a steering lock fitted.
all you need is to rip off the steering wheel plastic,and spark a couple of wires together,then drive off in your newly stolen car.

On TV, there’s a moonbase on the moon by 1999, but no car has electronic ignition by 2020.

There’s a manned mission to Jupiter in 2010 in TV/Film fiction, but cars always blow up when they go off the cliff, even if they are diesel in the cold…

Then there’s the simpsons being prophetically silly at the turn of the century…

Male TV or radio presenters that go over the top with their football commentary to the point of hysteria and nearly having a
Myocardial Infarction .
They sound like a woman faking an ■■■■■■ when I goal is scored .
The Latin American guys are the best in shouting Goooooooaaaalllll for one minute or more .

What happens when there’s a prompt kick-off, and a quick second goal? :confused:

The assumption that because I live and work near Oxford, I am interested in both Oxford United and the boat race.

Plus, you must drive a Mini, and you don’t know what a live rail is.

Why do students that actually live in University towns - end up going to some other place that has an inferior university most of the time?

If you live in Thornhill, Oxford - why TF did you let UCAS send you to bloody Coventry FFS?

, I know someone who got Covid from the pump as that was the only thing he did prior to the lockdown .

Must have held his breath for an awfully long time.