As it’s got a blade on it Ian, I am sure that it’s a grader.
I thought that too MRM, because it reminded me of a day in northern Norway when, as a schoolboy with 5 others and our scout/physics/rugby master, Jake, in his Austin Cambridge pick-up, we came up yet again on another grader that constantly roamed those unmade gravel roads.
The road was banked up with deep ditches each side and the grader pulled over as much as he could to let us pass. Unfortunately Jake got one foot too far over and we all slipped down into the ditch. This obviously was par for the course for the grader driver as he wordlessly stretched out the chain already hanging on his machine, connected it to the Cambridge and pulled us straight back out. At the angle it was it was terrifying for us as we weren’t told to get out and it felt that we would roll at any moment.